![](/images/important-icon2.png) | RM00101 | RM Customer MSTR |
This table contains nonfinancial customer information. When a customer master record is created, a corresponding record should be created in the RM_Customer_MSTR_SUM table, where year to date, last year to date and life to date information for the customer can be stored.
Required fields:
Customer Number
Customer Name
Address Code
Balance Type
Default Cash Account Type
Modified Date
Created Date
Revalue Customer
Post Results To
![](/images/important-icon2.png) | RM00102 | Customer Master Address File |
The Customer Address Master holds the Primary Address ID as well as additional addresses for the Customer. The Primary Address ID (and any additional ID’s) from the Customer Card must exist in this table.
Table description:
This table contains the address records for each customer. Users can enter an unlimited number of addresses for each customer. Address records are linked to the customer record with the Customer Number field. In addition, each address has an address ID, used in customer master table windows to specify shipping and billing addresses. The same address ID can't be used twice for the same customer record, but can be used for other customers.
Required fields:
Customer Number
Address Code
Shipping Method
Tax Schedule ID
Modified Date
| RM00103 | Customer Master Summary |
The RM Customer Master Summary contains summary information about the Customers. YTD, Last Year, & LTD totals as well as last amounts and highest balances for the Customer. It would normally not be imported into unless you wanted last years or Life To Date information for comparative purposes. The Customer Master Summary totals for unposted Sales/Debits, Cash Credits, Other Sales, Other Cash, On Order, & Deposits Received amounts are recalculated on reconciling Customers. The period balances are recalculated at this time as well.
This table contains year to date, last year to date and life to date information for each customer. The records in this table are created when records in the RM_Customer_MSTR table are created. There should be one record in this table for every customer. Life to date information is kept up to date at all time; therefore year to date information should always be reflected in life to date fields
| RM00104 | Customer Period Summary |
This file would not normally be imported into. An exception would be to provide totals for previous periods for years before the product was used for comparative reports to current data.
This table contains sales information for customers on a calendar or fiscal basis, as defined using the Fiscal Period Setup window. Users can enter unlimited period information. No duplicate records can be stored in this table; one record should exist for each period.
| RM00105 | RM National Accounts Master |
| RM00106 | RM Statements E-mail Addresses |
On the Customer Maintenance Options form there are three email addresses, they're stored in this table
| RM00201 | RM_Class_MSTR |
This file holds all the class information for a Customer. The primary purpose of a class is make changes to all Customers in a class quickly. The information in the RM Class Master is so similar to the RM Customer Master that it is not repeated here. The 2 fields that are different are documented below. In SBM, this table is not available.
Required fields:
Class ID
Class Description
Credit Limit Type
Finance Charge Amt Type
Balance Type
Modified Date
Created Date
Revalue Customer
Post Results To
| RM00301 | RM Salesperson Master |
The RM Salesperson Master stores salespeople for vendors and your company.
This table contains information used to define a salesperson record. One record is stored in the table for each salesperson. Year to date and life to date information for the salesperson is also stored in this table.
| RM00302 | Salesperson Master Summary File |
The summary file would not normally be imported into. The only reason normally would be to provide data for comparative purposes before this product was implemented.
This table contains financial summary information such as year to date, last year to date and life to date. One record is stored in the table for each salesperson. In SBM, this table is not available.
| RM00303 | Sales Territory Master File |
| RM00305 | Sales Territory Master Summary |
| RM00401 | RM Key File |
| RM00500 | Extended Pricing Price Sheet Links |
| RM00700 | RM Report Options |
Powers the Customer Email Options form off the Customer Maintenance form
| RM09101 | |
| RM09102 | |
| RM10101 | RM Distribution Work File |
| RM10201 | RM Cash Receipts Work File |
![](/images/important-icon2.png) | RM10301 | RM Sales Work File |
| RM10501 | RM Commission Work File |
| RM10504 | RM Unpaid Removed Commissions |
| RM10601 | RM Tax Work File |
| RM10901 | RM Aging Reconcile Control |
![](/images/important-icon2.png) | RM20101 | RM Open File |
| RM20102 | RM Realtime Posting File |
| RM20201 | RM Apply Open File |
| RM20400 | RM Scheduled Payment Header |
| RM20401 | RM Scheduled Payment Line |
![](/images/important-icon2.png) | RM30101 | RM History File |
| RM30201 | RM Apply History File |
| RM30202 | RM Apply Reprint Journal File |
| RM30301 | Receivables GL Distribution History |
| RM30401 | RM Scheduled Payment Header History |
| RM30501 | Commission History |
| RM30502 | RM Batch History |
| RM30601 | RM Tax History File |
| RM30701 | RM Reprint Statements Header File |
| RM30702 | RM Reprint Statements Transactions File |
| RM40101 | RM Module Setup File |
| RM40102 | RM Reprint Statements Identifier File |
| RM40201 | RM Period Setup |
| RM40401 | Document Type Setup File |
| RM40501 | RM Statements Options File |
| RM40601 | RM Statement Messages Setup File |
| RM50100 | RM History Removal Tempoary File |
| RM50101 | Statements Emailed Header Temp |
| RM50102 | Statements Emailed RecipientsTemp |
| RM50103 | RM Email Statements Header Temporary File |
| RM50104 | RM Email Statements Transactions Temporary F |
| RM50105 | rmEmailStmtsHDRTemp |
| RM50505 | |
| RM50506 | |