

Edit 9/17/15 View the main article for this error here 

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to do a test routine to make an inventory adjustment via Econnect. I passed all the required values following the schema, but this error shows when I call the XML document.

Here's the XML:


  <eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil="true" />
  <taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil="true" />
  <taUpdateCreateItemRcd xsi:nil="true" />
  <taIVTransactionSerialInsert_Items xsi:nil="true" />
- <taIVTransactionLotInsert_Items>
- <taIVTransactionLotInsert>
  <taIVTransactionLotInsert xsi:nil="true" />
  <taIVTransactionLotInsert xsi:nil="true" />
- <taIVTransactionLineInsert_Items>
- <taIVTransactionLineInsert>
  <taAnalyticsDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true" />
  <taIVTransactionMultiBinInsert_Items xsi:nil="true" />
- <taIVTransactionHeaderInsert>

Also, how can I get the next document number? I'm trying with the "GetnextdocNumbers" but it returns only the type of the document and not the next doc number.

Thanks in advance!!



Has anyone worked out how to get the correct tax detail id onto an SOP Line.

I have set up the inventory Item with a valid tax detail, The documentation says that if the ITMTSHID tag is not present, then the default is 'Default from setup'. However it is NOT pulling it through from the inventory record.




Dear all,

I am using Dynamics GP 9.0 Web Service for Inventory Transfer with Lot Item, but it didn't work for me. Don't know how to user the Lot Node,

Please find the sample code for the same and request you to please help me how to use the LOT item in Inventory Transfer .







Quantity itemQuantity;


WarehouseKey fromWarehouseKey;


WarehouseKey toWarehouseKey;


InventoryKey inventoryKey;


InventoryLineKey inventoryLineKey;


InventoryTransferLot LotNumberTransfer;



InventoryLotKey LotNumberkey;



InventoryTransferLine inventoryTransferLine;

inventoryKey =

new InventoryKey();


inventoryKey.Id = NextInventoryTransferNumber();



inventoryTransferLine =

new InventoryTransferLine();


inventoryLineKey = new InventoryLineKey();

inventoryLineKey.InventoryKey = inventoryKey;


// Create an item key object to specify the item


itemKey = new ItemKey();

itemKey.Id = ItemNo.ToString().Trim();

//"128 SDRAM";



// Create a quantity object to specify the amount of the transfer


itemQuantity = new Quantity();

itemQuantity.Value = TransferQty;




// Lot


LotNumberTransfer = new InventoryTransferLot();


// LotNumberTransfer.Key = LotNumberkey;


LotNumberTransfer.LotNumber = "2009";


//lotQty= new (); //Create Inventory Transfer Lot Qty



//LotNumberTransfer.Quantity. = 2m;


LotNumberTransfer.BinFrom = FromWareHouse.ToString();

LotNumberTransfer.BinTo = ToWareHouse.ToString();

InventoryTransferLot[] LotItemTransfer = { LotNumberTransfer };



// Create a warehouse key to specify the location originating the transfer


fromWarehouseKey = new WarehouseKey();

fromWarehouseKey.Id = FromWareHouse.ToString().Trim();




// Create a warehouse key to specify the location receiving the transfer


toWarehouseKey = new WarehouseKey();toWarehouseKey.Id = ToWareHouse.ToString().Trim(); //"WAREHOUSE";




// Populate the required properties of the inventory transfer line object


inventoryTransferLine.Key = inventoryLineKey;

inventoryTransferLine.ItemKey = itemKey;

inventoryTransferLine.Quantity = itemQuantity;

inventoryTransferLine.WarehouseFromKey = fromWarehouseKey;

inventoryTransferLine.WarehouseToKey = toWarehouseKey;

inventoryTransferLine.Lots = LotItemTransfer;

I am installing a custom .Net application & eConnect on a development server for initial testing and I have come across this error.

The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

The dev server is win2003 and I have properly installed eConnect, DTC & COM+ from the Windows program list and have properly configured them in the dcomcnfg. Now the SQL server I am trying to connect to is on another box. I am wondering if DTC is needed on the server that is running SQL server or not. Does anyone know? Or is there something else I have missed.....



 Dear All,

I am trying to use GP tools for visual studio with a third party dictionary.

My dictionary is third party that is made of dynamics dictionary integrated with fixed assets and analytical accounting.

When I use dag.exe for integration I get an error at 61% saying :”runtime error, the application has requested the runtime to close in an unusual way”

The point is when I do this with a non integrated dictionary it generates the dll fine. I am missing something? Or simply dag will not work for integrated dictionaries?



In order to do any reporting or work with lotted items it's important to understand how the data flows through the tables.  

Lotted item workflow

The item is in IV00101, ITMDRKOP = 3
NOTE: All quantities here are 'each' in IV00300 and SOP10201

On receipt, a line is added to IV00300.
QTYRECEVD = quantity recieved

When a sales order is created:
 the IV00300.ATYALLOC = the sales order amount
 A line is added to SOP10201 for each lot reservation.

When an order is transferred to invoice:
 The line in SOP10201 is updated to refer to the invoice

When an invoice is posted:
 The quantity moves from ATYALLOC to QTYSOLD in IV00300
 The lines for that document REMAIN in SOP10201, but are flagged as POSTED


I've gone through a bit of eConnect development for GP8, and now my company is moving forward to GP10 (finally! [:)] ) .  We've had a few projects put on ice simply because of bugs in eConnect 8 that prevented certain things from working correctly (as told to us by CustomerSource themselves), so we're looking forward to finally releasing some long-sought apps to helps us with our work flow.

But back to my question, we set up contracts that can run anywhere from 6 to 18 months with perhaps 1 or 2 Invoices released per month.  We'd like to allow the customer to perhaps log into a website and prepare an Invoice from one of their Contracts that could later be reviewed by one of our Logistics handlers from withing GP.

I know this cannot be done using GP8 - does GP10 offer anything at all?


I'm glad I found this place!  

All you 'best practices' people out there are going to have to turn your head for a minute. Of couse if you have a better idea, I'll listen...

Be aware that the techniques that I discuss here are version specific, and are not even guaranteed to work in different service packs.  

I often need to gather data and do something with it as a use posts data. For instance, if a user posts a Sales Transaction Entry, I need to do things with the data. This post will document the posting order of different types of transactions.

My tests show that in both cases, the SOP10100 delete is the last thing to occur. So, if you're going to retotal something, create a trigger on the SOP10100 Delete and you should get good data. If you do it any sooner the order may exist in both the open and history tables.

I am just starting in GP and I am a VB.NET developer trying to use the VS Tools to build custom apps in GP for our accounting department. Because of our system being already set up outside of GP I need to create custom apps just to add data not only in GP, but also in our own databases. This wont be for everything, but will be for this app that I am building now.

My problem isn't in hitting both systems, but instead on how to get my app on a menu. I have been able to get the application to run in GP with the code below, but this is as an additional menu item and not in the right place. I just chose this form because I knew how to get to it easily.

What I would really like is to add some menu items under the Financial system without using Dexterity. Is this possible? If so how? If there is an article out there about it (even written for C#) please point me the way as I cannot find anything that has helped me. At this point I have gotten this far from looking at the sample Freight Estimator.

BTW, we are using version 10 of GP with all SP installed.

Shared entryform As CheckbookLookupForm = Dynamics.Forms.CheckbookLookup
Sub Initialize() Implements IDexterityAddin.Initialize
ManualCheckEntryHandler = New EventHandler(AddressOf OpenManualCheckEntry)
entryform.AddMenuHandler(ManualCheckEntryHandler, "Manual Check Entry", "F")
AddHandler entryform.CloseAfterOriginal, AddressOf GlAccountEntryForm_CloseAfterOriginal
End Sub
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