sandipdjadhav 4/9/2009 12:37:24 PM

Dynamics GP Web Service with Lot Item Inventory Transfer

Dear all,

I am using Dynamics GP 9.0 Web Service for Inventory Transfer with Lot Item, but it didn't work for me. Don't know how to user the Lot Node,

Please find the sample code for the same and request you to please help me how to use the LOT item in Inventory Transfer .







Quantity itemQuantity;


WarehouseKey fromWarehouseKey;


WarehouseKey toWarehouseKey;


InventoryKey inventoryKey;


InventoryLineKey inventoryLineKey;


InventoryTransferLot LotNumberTransfer;



InventoryLotKey LotNumberkey;



InventoryTransferLine inventoryTransferLine;

inventoryKey =

new InventoryKey();


inventoryKey.Id = NextInventoryTransferNumber();



inventoryTransferLine =

new InventoryTransferLine();


inventoryLineKey = new InventoryLineKey();

inventoryLineKey.InventoryKey = inventoryKey;


// Create an item key object to specify the item


itemKey = new ItemKey();

itemKey.Id = ItemNo.ToString().Trim();

//"128 SDRAM";



// Create a quantity object to specify the amount of the transfer


itemQuantity = new Quantity();

itemQuantity.Value = TransferQty;




// Lot


LotNumberTransfer = new InventoryTransferLot();


// LotNumberTransfer.Key = LotNumberkey;


LotNumberTransfer.LotNumber = "2009";


//lotQty= new (); //Create Inventory Transfer Lot Qty



//LotNumberTransfer.Quantity. = 2m;


LotNumberTransfer.BinFrom = FromWareHouse.ToString();

LotNumberTransfer.BinTo = ToWareHouse.ToString();

InventoryTransferLot[] LotItemTransfer = { LotNumberTransfer };



// Create a warehouse key to specify the location originating the transfer


fromWarehouseKey = new WarehouseKey();

fromWarehouseKey.Id = FromWareHouse.ToString().Trim();




// Create a warehouse key to specify the location receiving the transfer


toWarehouseKey = new WarehouseKey();toWarehouseKey.Id = ToWareHouse.ToString().Trim(); //"WAREHOUSE";




// Populate the required properties of the inventory transfer line object


inventoryTransferLine.Key = inventoryLineKey;

inventoryTransferLine.ItemKey = itemKey;

inventoryTransferLine.Quantity = itemQuantity;

inventoryTransferLine.WarehouseFromKey = fromWarehouseKey;

inventoryTransferLine.WarehouseToKey = toWarehouseKey;

inventoryTransferLine.Lots = LotItemTransfer;

Version: Unknown or N/A
Section: eConnect

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