The evaluation period for this software has expired. You must enter a valid license key.
This is a step by step on how to obtain MR License Keys.
This article discusses these eConnect errors:
2262 Modified quantity can not be less then the quantity already transferred
4777 Quantities can not exceed total quantity plus quantity already transferred
Stored Procedure to get all lines from the RM00101 Customer Master table |
Stored procedure to get all the fields from RM00101 for one customer |
Error Number = 4776 Stored Procedure= taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = Item Options are set to not allow back orders for this item
Node Identifier Parameters: taSopLineIvcInsert
LNITMSEQ = 16384
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taSopLineIvcInsert
NONINVEN = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.
QTYTBAOR = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.
<UOFM>each </UOFM>
</taSopLineIvcInsert> |
Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 1599 Stored Procedure= taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = The UOFM for the item is not specified in the Item Price List as a Default Selling UofM
Node Identifier Parameters: taSopLineIvcInsert
LNITMSEQ = 16384
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taSopLineIvcInsert
UOFM = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.
Error Number = 5313 Stored Procedure= taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = Unit of Measure does not exist for the Unit of Measure Schedule being used
Node Identifier Parameters: taSopLineIvcInsert
LNITMSEQ = 16384
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taSopLineIvcInsert
NONINVEN = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.
UOFM = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.
</taSopLineIvcInsert> |
Error Number = 592 Stored Procedure= taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = Kits can not have the QtyShrtOpt parameter set to 4(Back Order Balance) or 6(Cancel Balance)
Node Identifier Parameters: taSopLineIvcInsert
LNITMSEQ = 16384
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taSopLineIvcInsert
QtyShrtOpt = 0
Error Number = 6232 Stored Procedure= taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = QtyShrtOpt parameter out of range (1,2,3,4,5, or 6)
Node Identifier Parameters: taSopLineIvcInsert
LNITMSEQ = 16384
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taSopLineIvcInsert
QtyShrtOpt = 0
</taSopLineIvcInsert> |
Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 55 Stored Procedure= taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = DOCID does not exist for the SOP Fulfillment Type document or the DOCID does not have Work Flow Enabled set to true in SOP Setup (SOP40200)
Node Identifier Parameters: taSopLineIvcInsert
SOPNUMBE = 101472
LNITMSEQ = 16384
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taSopLineIvcInsert
DOCID = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.
This article will show you how to move the templates for GP 2013 from VS 2010 to VS 2013 |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPMTransactionInsert - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopHdrIvcInsert - Input variable contains a duplicate document |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopHdrIvcInsert - Payment total does not match line deposit + credit card payment total |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopHdrIvcInsert - Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopHdrIvcInsert - Subtotal does not match the line item totals |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopHdrIvcInsert - Document ID is invalid |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopHdrIvcInsert - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPMTransactionInsert - Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPMTransactionInsert - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taMCCurrencyValidate - This company does not have access to this Currency ID or is Inactive |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taRMTransaction - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopHdrIvcInsert - Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopSerial - The Serial Number has already been sold - please choose another Serial Number |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopSerial - The Serial Number (SERLNMBR) has already been selected for the entered item |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopToPopLink - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taRMApply - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopRcptLineInsert - Purchase Order Line Item does not exist |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLineIvcInsert - LNITMSEQ already exists on a different Item Number |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopHdrRecalc - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopRcptHdrInsert - Subtotal does not match the line item totals |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopRcptHdrInsert - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect errortaSopSerial - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLineIvcInsert - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLot - The Quantity entered for this Lot is not available in the IV00300 |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopSerial - Qty fulfilled can not exceed qty allocated |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopDeleteDocument - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taIVTransferLotInsert - The Quantity entered for this Lot is not available in the IV00300 |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taIVTransactionLotInsert - The Quantity entered for this Lot is not available in the IV00300 |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taRMApply - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopRcptLineInsert - The Serial/Lot Quantity in the POP10330 does not match the Quantity Shipped in the POP10500 |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopRcptLineInsert - VENDORID does not match the Purchase Order |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLineIvcInsertComponent - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taRMApply - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPMManualCheck - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLotAuto - Qty fulfilled can not exceed qty allocated |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLotAuto - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLotAuto - The Quantity entered for this Lot is not available in the IV00300 |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLineIvcInsert - AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 and the SOP10101 qty fulfilled does not match the Sop Line fulfilled |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopEnterMatchInvHdr - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopEnterMatchInvLine - VENDORID does not match the Purchase Order |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPAAccountsSetup - Account number string does not exist |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopSerial - Document ID is invalid |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLotAuto - Document ID is invalid |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taRMUnapplyTransaction - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taRMUnapplyTransaction - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taRMUnapplyTransaction - Unable to update/create distributions |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopRcptLineInsert - VENDORID does not match the Purchase Order |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopVoidDocument - Input variable contains a duplicate document |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopLineDelete - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopVoidDocument - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taBRBankTransactionVoid - Document is currently in use by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopRcptLineInsert - Input variable contains a duplicate document (POPRCTNM) |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPopRcptLandedCost - Input variable contains a duplicate document (POPRCTNM) |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taAATrxDimCodeMaint - The Node is required |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPoLine - LNITMSEQ already exists on a different Item Number |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taPoHdr - Document is currently being edited by another user |
This is the main post for the eConnect error taSopSerial - The Serial Number has already been sold - please choose another Serial Number |
This article lists the .NET versions compatible with the different versions of Dynamics GP |
I have a big hurdle, my company has stopped support contract with MS since 2012, and we never have had used the GP WebServices option for development. Now when I am trying to install and configure the GP WebServices on my server (its Windows Server 2008) for new development project, I am facing this error while configuring though setup was successful "some of the installed elements of GP web services for Dynamics GP are newer the Configuration wizard"
From the discussion forums I see I would need to install patches/hotfixes for this
However since our MS support is no more active, I don't have access to download any of the hotfix. Is there any other way I can download those hotfixes (as I see they are old and existed even before our support lapsed in 2012), without having to renew MS support subscription as that's lot of money.
or if anyone can share those hotfixes in zip file over googledrive or gmail ?
Any help/guidance in this regard would be highly appreciated.
I am wondering if its possible to create a invoice that has a eft payment attached to it with a credit. I have my code to create a invoice and attach a payment to it and that works. i am curious if i can use a RMAPPLYTYPE at the same time to create a credit for that invoice.
Thanks |
En GP 10.0 tenemos un extender para indicar la forma de empaque y otros detalles, uno de los cuales es un resumen y el otro para diferenciar si el cliente es escolar u otros.
el extender muestra para ser editados un texbox, en el cual se escribe el resumen, esta información se almacena en la tablaEXT00101, los otros dos son listbox, la información Que Se muestra en ellos esta en la tabla EXT40102.
Mi pregunta es: ¿En qué tabla queda registrado el valor seleccionado en el listbox?
He explorado tabla por tabla y no lo encuentro, pero cuando abro el Extender para un pedido determinado la información se muestra tal cual fue seleccionada, por lo que asumo esta en alguna parte.
Gracias por su apoyo…
In GP 10.0 we have an extension to indicate the form of packaging and other details, one of which is a summary and others to differentiate whether the customer is a school or other.
extending features for editing one texbox, in which the summary is written, this information is stored in the EXT00101 table, the listbox information displayed is in the EXT40102 table.
My question is: Which table stores the value selected in the listbox?
I explored table by table and can not find it, but when I open the Extender to an order determined the information is displayed as it was selected, so that I take this somewhere.
Thank you for your support…
![](/ClientImages/eayala68/formade%20empaque.jpg) |
Hello I am trying to update a receiving transaction entry (taPopRcptLineInsert) POptype = 3
but it will not update the information. it gives me an error (CreateReceiptXML eConnect Error:System.Security.SecurityException) and the documentation says
"This node uses document exchange for updates. All existing values are overwritten with the value specified by the update document. If a field in the update is blank, the existing value is changed to be blank."
but i don't quite understand what it means.
please help
en GP 10.0, como cambio el sitio predeterminado de la ventana de ventas,
GP 10.0, and change the default window site sales
![](/ClientImages/eayala68/ventana%20de%20ventas.jpg) |
How can I implement GP WebService "GetCustomerList" using eConnect, i.e. I have to pull summary data/fields for all customer records. I see the default DOCTYPE = 'Customer' needs Index1From & Index1To to be set to valid value, to pull one or more customer records. However, first thing I don't have the key in the code until I have customerList and secondly I don't need all customer data in detail just summary fields.
eConnectOut etOut = new eConnectOut();
etOut.DOCTYPE = "Customer_List";
etOut.OUTPUTTYPE = Int32.Parse(key);
etOut.INDEX1FROM = "1234567890";
etOut.INDEX1TO = "1234567890";
etOut.FORLIST = 1;
etOut.ACTION = 0;
etOut.FORLOAD = 0;
etOut.ROWCOUNT = 0; //all rows
I tried to extend eConnect Doctype by making insertion in eConnect_Out_Setup table for DOCTYPE=Customer_List alike Customer and removing any required, index or trigger column values. But when I try call that DocType from code, I get null result.
What am I doing wrong and what is the best way to implement GP WebService methods in eConnect, since I don't have option to use WebServices (as its not configured on my server due to missing patches which I can't get) and making direct SQL call is my least preferred way ?
i recently had an open question,
I am trying to apply a credit to a non posted invoice and its giving me this error.
From the previous thread i didnt think that the invoice had to be posted for the credit to apply, however its going to the RM20101
to try to find the invoice. Am i looking in the wrong direction for this?
when i create the invoice i am attaching the initial payment record also since it is an eft payment. afterwards i am creating the credit to be applied to the invoice if there are any credits. Is it possible to add the credits to the taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord ?
right now the way our accounting dept does this
1. Invoice with payment record is created through econnect
2. Maunaully go in and apply the credit and post.
I am trying to streamline this by have econnect do everything either all at once or after the invoice is created and then the credit memo can be applied
Service Create
Current User Name:
Input parameters:
Exception type:
Exception message:
Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 568 Stored Procedure= taRMApply Error Description = Apply To Document (APTODCNM) does not exist in the RM Open Table - RM20101
Node Identifier Parameters: taRMApply
APTODCNM = 500015
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taRMApply
APTODCNM = 500015
Stack Trace:
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.EntityMessageProcessor.ExecuteSqlCommands(XElement transactionNode, EntityMessage message)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods.ProcessMessageImport(EntityMessage message)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods.EntityImportImplementation(String connectionString, String sXML, Boolean isTransaction)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods.CreateEntity(String connectionString, String sXML)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Service.CreateEntity(String ConnectionString, String sXML)
Exception type:
Exception message:
Error Number = 568 Stored Procedure taRMApply Error Description = Apply To Document (APTODCNM) does not exist in the RM Open Table - RM20101
Stack Trace: |
I am converting some of our VBA customization to VST to be able to run them on web client. However I cannot see any property to determine if a field is disabled or locked. There are only methods .Enable() and .Disable(), but related properties are not accessible... This would be very surprizing that VST would not have such essential property as .isEnabled exposed.. Am I missing something?
Roman |
I would like to insert website orders into GP.
Without using econnect. Is there a list of tables that need to be updated. So I can write and integration program, or is there a import feature I'm not aware of ?
Hello i am receiving the following error when trying to create a Inventory transaction from econnect.
The Transaction Qty passed in is <> to what was passed into the taIVTransactionSerialInsert proc or the taIVTransactionLotInsert proc
i am trying to create an adjustment with negative quantities.
Any ideas?
NOte: the quantities i am passing in line items and lot items match. i am passing several lots to complete the quantity in the item line. |
Hi All,
Are the analytics and visualizations in Business Analyzer (BA) hard-wired in to the product, or can I develop my own custom SSRS reports and have them charted in BA? I don't see anything in the docs that lead me to believe this can be done. If so, I would appreciate some guidance as to how to do it. I know BA now integrates with MR, but we need to deliver analytics from GP data other than financial data from the GL. We're currently looking at Qlik and Tableau, but would prefer to use SSRS and BA.
Thanks, Jeff |
This article contains code examples for using the Telerik Radgrid GridButtonColumn |
This article demonstrates two techniques to navigate to an anchor in an ASP.NET RadGrid |