

Here is a thread that I just completed with Microsoft on updating taxes. The don't give the perfect answer (which would be 'just push this button and the code will write itself for you') but it's something.

If anyone has any similar threads with Microsoft on any coding issue, please send them to me and I'll post them.

6/29/2007 12:26:00 PM PDT --
Not sure if this is a VS Tools, eConnect, or Web Services question...

I need to update the taxes on a SOP Invoice after a change to the invoice. I see the SP [taSopTaxEngine], do you support it's use? and if so, can you point me to documentation on the parameters?

Most seem easy enough, but when I got to 'slamdunk' I had to quit.

If not, is there a supported way from within VS Tools to call the tax engine for an order?

6/29/2007 1:05:00 PM PDT -- Scott Stephenson

Thanks for your question. As I understand it, you have a need to re-calculate taxes on a particular SOP invoice after it has been changed via some custom code. You are looking for ways to accomplish this and are curious if taSopTaxEngine can be used, or if there is another method.

When the eConnect stored procedures are installed, this is one of them that is installed. The stored procedure was written to be called "internally" by the eConnect (and Web Services) APIs when new SOP documents are created via the Web Service or eConnect calls. So, it exists in the database, but no externally published API is available for this. Generally, if you use the eConnect APIs to update the Invoice, it would recalculate the taxes based on the nodes you pass to the header.

In terms of calling this outside of that scope, there is no documentation on the parameters. You could do sp_help on it, but that is as much documentation as is available. So, this is basically on your own.

In terms of Visual Studio Tools, it does have the ability to call Dexterity based procedures/functions that don't require the use of table buffers. The standard tax engine that we use in the GP client is Dexterity based and is named TX_Calculate_Taxes_EX. This procedure will re-caculate the taxes and create the appropriate tax records and distributions in SOP, if calling for a SOP document.

We do not have any specific Visual Studio Tools samples of calling this procedure, but you would want to look at the Procedures collection in the dictionary class for Dynamics. If it is helpful, there is a Dexterity sample application that shows some information about how to pass in parameters that can be found in our Great Plains Integration Samples for 9.0. It is found on this page:

Plan - Review the information provided and decide the appropriate path for your solution. Either attempt to use the eConnect API to update the invoice and have it trigger the tax calculation, or attempt to call the txSopTaxEngine with no documentation, or attempt a VSTools call to the TX_Calculate_Taxes_EX using the Procedures collection on the Dynamics dictionary class. Let me know if you have further questions.


Web Services:
Error "Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800A401A)
The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password.
/webservice/Service.asp, line 13" occurs when trying to open the WebService Application by going to the <http://webserviceServername/webservice> site.

The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect.  Check the username and password. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000401A)



I'm new to eConnect and sort of understand how it all works. The problem I'm having is finding the correct serialisation object that relates to the Great Plains transaction.  The transaction I'm trying to find is the PM manual payment.

any help would be appreciated.

ls there an example of an end to end implementation of a document in .NET




Hi, I need to get the company info that I see when I go to Tools->Setup->Company->Company.

I'm using the eConnect .NET assemblies with GP 9.0 SQL Server 2005 and the sample company TWO.
I was able to get Customers, Vendors, Items, Purchase_Order_Transactions, etc with the eConnectRequester method, specifying the DOCTYPE.
I was expecting to find a doctype to get the company data, something like
eConnectOut.DOCTYPE = "Company_Data", but I didn't find anything like that.
eConnect's interface doesn't seem to include a method to execute a SQL query directly such as SELECT * FROM SY01000.
Should I run my query using the data source or is there another option?
Thank you in advance for any input.

I am trying to create payments in Great Plains by using the RMCashReceipts object in eConnect 8, via a web service.   My payments are created succesfully in our test database, but when I change the connection string to production the job fails and I see the following error in the event viewer.

Microsoft.GreatPlains.eConnect Version=

.Net SqlClient Data Provider

Procedure tasmGetNextNoteIndex has no parameters and arguments were supplied.

at Microsoft.GreatPlains.eConnect.eConnectMethods.ExecStoredProcedures(String xml)

at Microsoft.GreatPlains.eConnect.eConnectMethods.eConnect_EntryPoint(String ConnectionString, ConnectionStringType ConnectionType, String sXML, SchemaValidationType ValidationType, String eConnectSchema)

It appears to be a stored procedure error, but I am unable to find any stored procedures with a prefix of tasm.  Any help?


We are using a 2005 to try and initiate a call to delete a Line Item.  We have the code functioning to insert just fine.

 Currently we are using the following to try and delete:

 Dim SalesOrder As New SOPTransactionType
 Dim SalesLine As New taSopLineDelete
 With SalesLine
      .SOPTYPE = 2
      .SOPNUMBE = CommitedQuoteSONumber
      .ITEMNMBR = QIOrderItemManufacturingCode
      .DeleteType = 1
End With
SalesOrder.taSopLineDelete = SalesLine
ReDim Preserve eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0)
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0) = SalesOrder

 We are getting the error saying taSOPLineDelete is not a member of |SOP transaction type.

If anyone can shed any light on something that is probably brutally obvious, it would be much appreciated.

Does anyone know where I can get some infomration on using InfoPath with eConnect?



 Mike Waldrop

Good afternoon!

Has anyone had success with creating payroll transactions using eConnect?  We are trying to use the taCreatePayrollBatchHeaderInsert and  taCreateComputerCheckLineInsert nodes to accomplish this.  The Payroll Batch Header record is working properly but we're confused on the Computer Check Line columns:

  • UPRTRXCD (UPR Transaction Code):  This column is required but doesn't explain what should be entered here.  Any ideas?

  • TRXHRUNT (Transaction Hours/Units):  This column is required if we pass in certain pay codes.  However, we can't determine where to pass in the pay code.  (There's no "PAYCODE" field that we can find.)

For reference, the MSDN XML Node Reference page is located at  We're using eConnect version 9.0

Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!!!

Joe Cogan
Real Time Intelligence, Inc.

From a recent email: 

Have you ever written anything to control the format that the Line Item Comment (from SOP)? Example, Customer wants to force a return after 40 characters of typing

How do you get VBA to 'Sleep'? 


TechKnowledge Content


When trying to start the eConnect incoming service, you may receive the following error message:

The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.


When you use Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains eConnect to pass data, you may receive the following error message:
Partner Transaction Manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions.

I'm getting this cryptic message in a new eConnect 8 integration. It happens when I make the call to eConnect, but is not happnening on my test machine (sigh).

 Anyone seen this?

Here is a short piece of code that demonstrates how to code for RetrieveGlobals9.dll in Dynamics GP

 Private Sub NextCust_Changed()

    If Me.CustomerID.Value > "" Then
        MsgBox "The Customer Number Field must be empty"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim cmd
    Dim rst
    Set userinfo = CreateObject("RetrieveGlobals9.retrieveuserinfo")
    Set conn = userinfo.Connection
    'Create an ADO command object.
    Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    'set the database to the currently logged in db.
    conn.DefaultDatabase = userinfo.intercompany_id()

    cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
    cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc
    'Get the next cust number
    cmd.CommandText = "_4P_SOPgetNextCustomerNumber"
    Set rst = cmd.Execute
    If Not rst.EOF Then
        Me.CustomerID.Value = rst("vchrCustomerNumber")
    End If
    'Close the connection.
    If conn.State = 1 Then
    End If
    Set cmd = Nothing
    Set cn = Nothing

End Sub

How to retrieve the next purchase order number for Purchase Order Processing documents when you use the Miscellaneous Routines Assembly in eConnect

This article describes how to retrieve the next purchase order number for Purchase Order Processing documents when you use the Miscellaneous Routines Assembly in eConnect in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

The argument type SqlClient cannot be converted into parameter type Microsoft.GreatPlains.eConnect.EnumTypes+ConnectionStringType.


While printing a consultation shows the option of destination report to either  screen-printer-file, If choosing  printer shows a window where the printer name is, number of copies, Interspace of pages, etc. In the number of copies how can I restrict the number of copies? or how can I capture the number of copies which are typed by the user in Report Writer ??


There is a problem with the eConnect analytical accounting code, it sends lines that add on to the lines that are already in Dynamics. In the end, we have two lines where we should only have one. In some of the distribution modules, there is a switch that says 'don't default, I'm sending lines' but I can't find it.

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