Here is a short piece of code that demonstrates how to code for RetrieveGlobals9.dll in Dynamics GP
Private Sub NextCust_Changed()
If Me.CustomerID.Value > "" Then
MsgBox "The Customer Number Field must be empty"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim cmd
Dim rst
Set userinfo = CreateObject("RetrieveGlobals9.retrieveuserinfo")
Set conn = userinfo.Connection
'Create an ADO command object.
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
'set the database to the currently logged in db.
conn.DefaultDatabase = userinfo.intercompany_id()
cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc
'Get the next cust number
cmd.CommandText = "_4P_SOPgetNextCustomerNumber"
Set rst = cmd.Execute
If Not rst.EOF Then
Me.CustomerID.Value = rst("vchrCustomerNumber")
End If
'Close the connection.
If conn.State = 1 Then
End If
Set cmd = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub