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eConnect Errors Each eConnect node has specific errors that are associated with it
Param NameData TypeReqParamDescParam Mode
SOPNUMBEchar(21)YesInvoice Number IN
CUSTNMBRchar(15)YesCustomer Number IN
DOCDATEdatetimeNoInvoice Date IN
USERDATEdatetimeNo User Date - used to determine if a lot is expired, defaults to system date IN
LOCNCODEchar(10)NoWill use default from IV if empty IN
ITEMNMBRchar(30)YesItem Number IN
AutoAssignBinsmallintNoAuto Assign Bin - either the SOFULFILLMENT or SORETURN bin from item site combination or from site default IN
UNITPRCEnumeric(19,5)NoUnit Price for Item IN
XTNDPRCEnumeric(19,5)NoExtended Price for line Item IN
QUANTITYnumeric(19,5)NoQuantity to Invoice for SOPTYPE=1,2&5; Billed Qty for SOPTYPE=3 IN
MRKDNAMTnumeric(19,5)NoMarkdown amount IN
MRKDNPCTnumeric(19,5)NoMarkdown Percent IN
COMMNTIDchar(15)NoComment ID IN
COMMENT_1char(50)Nonot required IN
COMMENT_2char(50)Nonot required IN
COMMENT_3char(50)Nonot required IN
COMMENT_4char(50)Nonot required IN
UNITCOSTnumeric(19,5)NoUsed only for NON IV items IN
PRCLEVELchar(10)NoPrice level IN
ITEMDESCchar(100)NoItem description IN
TAXAMNTnumeric(19,5)NoTax amount on the line item IN
QTYONHNDnumeric(19,5)NoReturn Quantity Type: On Hand IN
QTYRTRNDnumeric(19,5)NoReturn Quantity Type: Returned IN
QTYINUSEnumeric(19,5)NoReturn Quantity Type: In Use IN
QTYINSVCnumeric(19,5)NoReturn Quantity Type: In Service IN
QTYDMGEDnumeric(19,5)NoReturn Quantity Type: Damaged IN
NONINVENsmallintNoAdded on 7/17/00 to allow for NON-IV items IN
LNITMSEQintNoAdded on 10/23/2000 to allow line seq. num. as an input parameter IN
DROPSHIPsmallintNoDrop Ship Flag 1=DropShip IN
QTYTBAORnumeric(19,5)NoAdded on 12/06/00 for Quantity to Back Order IN
DOCIDchar(15)NoDocument ID, key field in SOP40200 - optional IN
SALSTERRchar(15)Yes Sales Territory IN
SLPRSNIDchar(15)Yes Sales Person ID, no commissions will be calculated if blank IN
ITMTSHIDchar(15)NoItem Tax schedule ID IN
IVITMTXBsmallintNoIV Item Taxable - user can change item tax option per line 1=tax 2=nontax 3=based on cust IN
TAXSCHIDchar(15)NoTax Schedule ID can be used to override the default delivery method tax schedule IN
PRSTADCDchar(15)NoPrimary Shipto Address Code IN
ShipToNamechar(64)NoShipToName IN
CNTCPRSNchar(60)NoContact Person IN
ADDRESS1char(60)NoCustomer Address One per shipto line item IN
ADDRESS2char(60)NoCustomer Address Two per shipto line item IN
ADDRESS3char(60)NoCustomer Address three per shipto line item IN
CITYchar(35)NoCity per shipto line item IN
STATEchar(29)NoState per shipto line item IN
ZIPCODEchar(10)NoZipCode per shipto line item IN
COUNTRYchar(60)NoCountry per shipto line item IN
PHONE1char(21)NoPhone 1 per shipto line item IN
PHONE2char(21)NoPhone 2 per shipto line item IN
PHONE3char(21)NoPhone 3 per shipto line item IN
FAXNUMBRchar(21)NoFax per shipto line item IN
Print_Phone_NumberGBsmallintNo @I_vPrint_Phone_NumberGB 0-4 valid IN
EXCEPTIONALDEMANDtinyintNoResource Planning IN
ReqShipDatedatetimeNoRequested Ship Date IN
FUFILDATdatetimeNoFulfill Date IN
ACTLSHIPdatetimeNoActual Ship Date IN
SHIPMTHDchar(15)NoShipping Method IN
INVINDXvarchar(75)NoInventory Account Number String IN
CSLSINDXvarchar(75)NoCost of Goods Sold Account Number String IN
SLSINDXvarchar(75)NoSales Account Number String IN
MKDNINDXvarchar(75)NoMarkdowns Account Number String IN
RTNSINDXvarchar(75)NoReturns Account Number String IN
INUSINDXvarchar(75)NoIn Use Account Number String IN
INSRINDXvarchar(75)NoIn Service Account Number String IN
DMGDINDXvarchar(75)NoDamaged Account Number String IN
AUTOALLOCATESERIALintNoAuto Allocate Serial Numbers on the Fly 0 = Auto & 1 = Manual & 2 = Mixed IN
AUTOALLOCATELOTintNoAuto Allocate Lot Numbers on the Fly 0 = Auto & 1 = Manual & 2 = Mixed IN
GPSFOINTEGRATIONIDchar(30)NoFront Office Integration ID IN
INTEGRATIONSOURCEsmallintNoIntegration Source IN
INTEGRATIONIDchar(30)NoIntegration ID IN
RequesterTrxsmallintNoRequester Transaction - 0=false,1=true - if true than populates Requester shadow table IN
QTYCANCEnumeric(19,5)NoQuantity Canceled - will subtract from the @I_vQUANTITY passed in IN
QTYFULFInumeric(19,5)NoQuantity Fulfilled IN
ALLOCATEsmallintNoAllocates quantities - 0=use @I_vDOCID default; 1=Allocate quantities IN
UpdateIfExistssmallintNoUsed to Modify existing lines - 1=Modify - entire line needs to be resent IN
RecreateDistsmallintNoUsed only if @I_vUpdateIfExists = 1 - determines if distributions auto recreate IN
QUOTEQTYTOINVnumeric(19,5)NoQuote Qty to Invoice - added to @I_vQUANTITY and @I_vQTYCANCE for total quote amount IN
TOTALQTYnumeric(19,5)NoTotal Line Qty - if not specified then it is calculated based on other quantities passed in IN
CMMTTEXTvarchar(500)NoComment Text; only use if not using @I_vCOMMENT_1 thu @I_vCOMMENT_4 IN
KitCompMansmallintYesManually passing Kit Components - 0=False; 1=True - If 1 then @I_vLNITMSEQ is required IN
DEFPRICINGintNo1 = unit price and extended price will be defaulted IN
DEFEXTPRICEintNoExtended price will default based on the Unit Price and quantity passed in IN
CURNCYIDchar(15)NoCurrency ID - 02/10/02 - Added for Multi-Currency IN
UOFMchar(8)NoUnit of Measure IN
IncludePromosmallintNoInclude Extended Pricing Promotion, including free items IN
CKCreditLimittinyintNo0=Do Not check limit; 1=check limit - this is on a per line basis, or you can just do at Hdr level IN
QtyShrtOptsmallintNoQty Shortage Opt.: 1=Sell Balance; 2=Override Shortage; 3=BO All; 4=BO Balance; 5=Cancel All; 6=Cancel Balance IN
RECREATETAXESsmallintNoRECREATETAXES: 0 = Do not recreate the taxes; 1 = Reclaculate the Taxes - TFS BugID# 71626IN
RECREATECOMMsmallintNoRECREATECOMM: 0 = Do not recreate the commission amount ; 1 = Reclaculate the commission amount - TFS BugID# 71626IN
USRDEFND1char(50)NoUser Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND2char(50)NoUser Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND3char(50)NoUser Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND4varchar(8000)NoUser Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND5varchar(8000)NoUser Defined field - developer use only IN
ErrorStateintNoReturn value: 0=No Errors, 1=Error Occurred INOUT
oErrStringvarchar(255)NoReturn Error Code List INOUT
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