55 | DOCID does not exist for the SOP Fulfillment Type document or the DOCID does not have Work Flow Enabled set to true in SOP Setup (SOP40200) | | Edit |
96 | Unable to update quantity allocated in item quantity master | | Edit |
97 | Unable to update quantity allocated in item quantity master | | Edit |
101 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
102 | A required parameter contains an empty value | | Edit |
104 | Invalid SOPTYPE parameter was passed in | | Edit |
105 | Default location code does not exist in SOP setup | | Edit |
106 | Location code does not exist in inventory | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
108 | Inventory item does not exist | | Edit |
110 | Item number/location code does not exist in inventory | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
112 | Unable to update/create SOP line record | | Edit |
113 | Unable to insert Line Level comment | | Edit |
114 | Unable to insert Line Level comment | | Edit |
115 | Unable to insert the component record | | Edit |
179 | Salesperson does not exist | | Edit |
183 | Line quantity does not equal the return types (QUANTITY <> QTYINSVC+QTYINUSE+QTYDMGED+QTYRTRND+QTYONHND) | | Edit |
215 | Return Quantity Types are valid only on Returns | | Edit |
245 | Territory does not exist | | Edit |
299 | Unit Price calculation does not match out to Extended price | | Edit |
301 | QTYFULFI can not be used with a Quote, Return, or Backorder type document | | Edit |
302 | Quantity to Backorder can not be used with this SOP Type | | Edit |
303 | Kit Items can not be Drop Shipped | | Edit |
450 | Duplicate LNITMSEQ in SOP10200 | | Edit |
451 | Markdown amount cannot be greater then unit price | | Edit |
519 | Unable to update quantity back ordered in item quantity master | | Edit |
520 | Unable to update quantity back ordered in item quantity master | | Edit |
580 | A Quote type document can not have back ordered amounts | | Edit |
588 | Unable to validate quantity for component record | | Edit |
592 | Kits can not have the QtyShrtOpt parameter set to 4(Back Order Balance) or 6(Cancel Balance) | | Edit |
593 | Unable to insert Line Level comment | | Edit |
598 | Customer Number does not exist | | Edit |
671 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
672 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
722 | Unit Price calculation does not match out to Extended price | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
738 | Unable to update the comment master table | | Edit |
771 | Price Level is blank, it must either be passed in or a default must exist for the transaction | | Edit |
788 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
870 | Item Tax Schedule does not exist | | Edit |
908 | Invalid Sales Account | | Edit |
909 | Invalid Markdown Account | | Edit |
910 | Invalid Returns Account | | Edit |
913 | Invalid In Use Account | | Edit |
914 | Invalid In Service Account | | Edit |
915 | Invalid Damaged Account | | Edit |
927 | Shipping Method does not exist | | Edit |
928 | Invalid Price Level | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
929 | Invalid Inventory Account | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
930 | Invalid Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
1008 | Procedure taSopLot returned an error value | | Edit |
1151 | Error calling taCustomerBalance | | Edit |
1152 | Customer credit limit has been exceeded | | Edit |
1472 | Mixed Mode (AUTOALLOCATESERIAL = 3 or AUTOALLOCATELOT = 3) can not be used with updates. You can use the taSopLineDelete to delete the line and reenter the line and serial/lot numbers | | Edit |
1523 | More serials already allocated for line item then QUANTITY to allocate in sop line | | Edit |
1525 | Serial Item has no quantity left to fulfill - Quantity Shortage exists | | Edit |
1527 | Procedure taSopSerial returned an error value | | Edit |
1536 | The QTY specified for this Serial Number is > what is on hand. The QtyShrtOpt must be something other then 2 or Serial Numbers must be created | | Edit |
1540 | Serial Quantity in Serial Line table does not match Serial QUANTITY Fulfilled | | Edit |
1599 | The UOFM for the item is not specified in the Item Price List as a Default Selling UofM | | Edit |
1731 | Unable to update SOP Header values | | Edit |
1741 | LNITMSEQ already exists on a different Item Number | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1747 | QtyShrtOpt field can not be set to anything other then 2 when not registered for the Inventory Module | | Edit |
2019 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
2020 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
2079 | Document is currently being edited by another user | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
2082 | The Line Quantity specified for this Lot Number is > than what is on hand. The QtyShrtOpt must be something other then 2 or Lots must be created | | Edit |
2083 | More Lots already allocated for line item then QUANTITY to allocate in Sop Line Work | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
2084 | Input parameter LNITMSEQ must be supplied if AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 or AUTOALLOCATELOT = 2 | | Edit |
2208 | Unable to remove Dex Lock for the SOP Document | | Edit |
2221 | Duplicate document number. If adding or updating lines to an existing document, UpdateIfExists must = 1 | | Edit |
2224 | Invalid ALLOCATE parameter was passed in | | Edit |
2225 | Invalid UpdateIfExists parameter was passed in | | Edit |
2226 | Invalid RecreateDist parameter was passed in | | Edit |
2227 | RecreateDist can only be set to 1 if adding or modifying an existing document - (UpdateIfExists = 1) | | Edit |
2229 | QTYFULFI amount > 0 can not be passed in when using QtyShrtOpt other then 2 and a shortage is encountered | | Edit |
2230 | QTYFULFI can not be > 0 if quantities are not being allocated via DOCID or ALLOCATE = 1 | | Edit |
2231 | Multiple Qty options are not allowed for kit items | | Edit |
2232 | Allocations and fulfillment are not allowed with the document id being used | | Edit |
2233 | QTYFULFI cannot be greater than the line items remaining quantity | | Edit |
2235 | QTYCANCE cannot be > 0 with a Return type document | | Edit |
2262 | Modified quantity can not be less then the quantity already transferred | | Edit |
2273 | CMMTTEXT cannot be used if COMMENT_1 thru COMMENT_4 are being used | | Edit |
2275 | TOTALQTY must equal QUANTITY for a SOPTYPE = 4 | | Edit |
2276 | Unable to parse comment text from the Comment Master | | Edit |
2277 | Unable to parse CMMTTEXT field | | Edit |
2297 | Unable to parse CMMTTEXT field | | Edit |
2305 | if AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 or 2, the taSopLotAuto node must be called with a DOCID that fulfills or QTYFULFI > 0 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
2322 | if AUTOALLOCATESERIAL = 1 or 2, the taSopSerial node must be called | | Edit |
2608 | Document does not exist in the Work File - SOP10100 - the Line can not be modified | | Edit |
2609 | LNITMSEQ is required when the item exists multiple times on the document | | Edit |
2610 | Unable to execute taSopLineDelete | | Edit |
2611 | Invalid NONINVEN parameter was passed in | | Edit |
2612 | Invalid DROPSHIP parameter was passed in | | Edit |
2613 | Invalid Exceptionaldemand parameter was passed in | | Edit |
2615 | Invalid AUTOALLOCATESERIAL parameter was passed in | | Edit |
2616 | Invalid RequesterTrx parameter was passed in | | Edit |
2699 | IN Parameter QUOTEQTYTOINV can only be used with quotes | | Edit |
3395 | if AUTOALLOCATELOT = 0, the taSopLotAuto node should not be called | | Edit |
3407 | UNITCOST can not be passed in unless a Return type document or non inventoried item | | Edit |
3408 | Item Tax Schedule cannot be populated when item is nontaxable or based on customer | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3409 | IVITMTXB parameter out of range (1,2, or 3) | | Edit |
3416 | Unable to update the comment master table | | Edit |
3420 | Tax Schedule does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3425 | LNITMSEQ is required when passing in Kit Components manaully (KitCompMan = 1) | | Edit |
3441 | DOCID does not exist for document type | | Edit |
3442 | Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3443 | Procedure taSopLineIvcInsert for extended pricing returned an error value | | Edit |
3444 | Unable to execute sopExtPricingGetPrice | | Edit |
3445 | Unable to execute taPricingGetRoundPrice | | Edit |
3459 | Input parameter LNITMSEQ must be supplied if AUTOALLOCATESERIAL = 1 or AUTOALLOCATESERIAL = 2 | | Edit |
3460 | AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 and the SOP10102 qty fulfilled does not match the Sop Line fulfilled | | Edit |
3474 | Invalid CKCreditLimit parameter was passed in | | Edit |
3567 | Mixed mode can not be used with Lot numbers when updating a Sop line | | Edit |
3771 | Item exists as a inventoried item, NONINVEN cannot be set to 1 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3908 | Invalid AUTOALLOCATELOT parameter was passed in | | Edit |
4644 | Extended Price must be 0 when Total Quantity is 0 | | Edit |
4646 | Decimal Places passed in on UNITPRCE does not match setup | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4647 | Decimal Places passed in on XTNDPRCE does not match setup | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4655 | Extended Price must be 0 when Quantity is 0 | | Edit |
4730 | AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 and the SOP10101 qty fulfilled does not match the Sop Line fulfilled | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4776 | Item Options are set to not allow back orders for this item | | Edit |
4777 | Quantities can not exceed total quantity plus quantity already transferred | | Edit |
5313 | Unit of Measure does not exist for the Unit of Measure Schedule being used | | Edit |
5447 | Decimal Places passed in on MRKDNAMT does not match setup | | Edit |
5527 | QTYCANCE cannot be > 0 with an Invoice type document (SOPTYPE = 3) and a negative quantity (QUANTITY < 0) | | Edit |
5528 | Quantity to Backorder can not be used with a SOP Invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) when the Quantity being passed is a negative (QUANTITY < 0) | | Edit |
5988 | This line item already has bin information Default Bins cannot be used | | Edit |
5996 | Unable to update SOP Default Bins | | Edit |
6232 | QtyShrtOpt parameter out of range (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) | | Edit |
6538 | SQL Error inserting into #SopLine temp table | | Edit |
6645 | Kits can not be distributed across multiple Return Types | | Edit |
7470 | You can not pass a negative qty for any SOPTYPE other then invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) | | Edit |
7471 | You can not pass a negative Extended Price for any SOPTYPE other then invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) | | Edit |
7472 | You can not pass a negative Tax Amount (TAXAMNT) for any SOPTYPE other then invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) | | Edit |
7803 | You can not pass both a Markdown Amount (MRKDNAMT) and a Markdown Percent (MRKDNPCT) | | Edit |
8168 | QTYFULFI amount > 0 can not be passed in when using QtyShrtOpt other then 2 and a shortage is encountered | | Edit |
8240 | Quantity Type in serial/lot was not passed in to match the Returned quantity types in the line | | Edit |
8241 | Currency/UofM combination is not included in extended price sheet for this item | | Edit |
8242 | A price can not be found for the item | | Edit |
8297 | You can not change quantities because the line item is committed to a purchase order | | Edit |
8298 | You can not change the extended quantity of a kit item | | Edit |
8500 | You can not have a Qty Shortage Option other then 2 on a Drop Ship | | Edit |
8503 | Decimal Places passed in on QUANTITY does not match setup | | Edit |
9177 | Currency/Price Level/UofM combination is not included in price list for this item | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9386 | No price level was found for the originating currency and DEFPRICING was set to 1 for a multi-currency transaction. eConnect does not currently support this configuration. | | Edit |
9551 | Primary Ship to address ID (PRSTADCD) does not exist in the RM00102 Table | | Edit |
11454 | Decimal Places passed in on QUANTITY does not match what is set up for the Item Number | | Edit |
11522 | BUG ID#50489 The Convert Functional price functionality currently does not exist in eConnect | | Edit |
11755 | Inactive items can only be used on returns | | Edit |
11756 | Item has been inactivated quantity cannot be changed | | Edit |
11763 | The Print_Phone_NumberGB is invalid - 0 - 4 are valid | | Edit |
11807 | This site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11808 | This item site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11984 | CUSTNMBR does not exist on current work SOP document | | Edit |
11987 | Unable to update quantity back ordered in item quantity master | | Edit |
11988 | Unable to update quantity back ordered in item quantity master | | Edit |
11998 | Recreate Taxes parameter out of range (0,1) | | Edit |
11999 | Recreate Commission parameter out of range (0,1) | | Edit |
12000 | Recreate Taxes can only be set to 1 if adding or modifying an existing document - (UpdateIfExists = 1) | | Edit |
12001 | Recreate Commision can only be set to 1 if adding or modifying an existing document - (UpdateIfExists = 1) | | Edit |
20989 | Unable to insert the component record | | Edit |