RTV_Number | char(15) | No | RTV Number | IN |
RTV_Type | char(11) | No | Return Type | IN |
RTV_Return_Status | char(3) | No | Return Status | IN |
VRMA_Document_ID | char(15) | No | Vendor's RMA Document Number, if any | IN |
RETDOCID | char(15) | No | RMA Number of the customer, if created from RMA | IN |
DSCRIPTN | char(31) | No | RTV Description | IN |
VENDORID | char(15) | No | Vendor ID | IN |
VENDNAME | char(65) | No | Vendor Name | IN |
CKHOLD | smallint | No | Flag to indicate whether to check for Customer Hold. | IN |
ADRSCODE | char(15) | No | Address Code of the Vendor's Ship To Address | IN |
Ship_Address_Name | char(65) | No | Name of contact person of vendor to ship to | IN |
Ship_Address_1 | char(61) | No | Address line 1 of vendor's address | IN |
Ship_Address_2 | char(61) | No | Address line 2 | IN |
Ship_Address_3 | char(61) | No | Address line 3 | IN |
Ship_City | char(35) | No | City Name | IN |
Ship_State | char(29) | No | State Name | IN |
ZIPCODE | char(11) | No | Zip Code | IN |
Ship_Country | char(61) | No | Country Name | IN |
ENTDTE | datetime | No | Entered Date | IN |
ENTTME | datetime | No | Entered Time | IN |
LOCCODEB | char(11) | No | Location Code of the item from where it's shipped | IN |
LOCNCODE | char(11) | No | Location Code of the item being returned to | IN |
Bill_of_Lading_Out | char(31) | No | Bill of Lading number for shipment to vendor | IN |
Shipping_Method_Out | char(15) | No | Shipping Method for shipment | IN |
Bill_of_Lading | char(31) | No | Bill of Lading number for shipment to vendor | IN |
SHIPMTHD | char(15) | No | Shipping Method for receiving | IN |
OFFID | char(11) | No | Office ID | IN |
NOTETXT | nvarchar(2000) | No | Notes | IN |
USERID | char(15) | No | User ID who created the record | IN |
USERDEF1 | char(21) | No | Additional Information, line 1 | IN |
USERDEF2 | char(21) | No | Additional Information, line 2 | IN |
USRDEF03 | char(21) | No | Additional Information, line 3 | IN |
USRDEF04 | char(21) | No | Additional Information, line 4 | IN |
USRDEF05 | char(21) | No | Additional Information, line 5 | IN |
CURNCYID | char(15) | No | Currency ID used in return | IN |
UpdateIfExists | tinyint | No | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes | IN |
RequesterTrx | smallint | No | Requester Trx - 0=false,1=true - if true than populates Requester shadow table | IN |
USRDEFND1 | char(50) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND2 | char(50) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND3 | char(50) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND4 | varchar(8000) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND5 | varchar(8000) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
ErrorState | int | No | List of errors encountered | INOUT |
oErrString | varchar(255) | No | List of errors encountered | INOUT |