10245 | Address Code does not exist for this Vendor | | Edit |
10246 | Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table | | Edit |
10247 | Unable to create FS RTV Master Entry Audit Record - SVC05620 | | Edit |
10270 | Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSRTVMaster returned an error value | | Edit |
10271 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
10272 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
10273 | Input variable (CUSTOWN) or (VOIDSTTS) contains a negative or invalid value | | Edit |
10274 | RTV document is marked for shipping | | Edit |
10275 | RTV document is marked for receiving | | Edit |
10276 | RTV document is marked for closing | | Edit |
10277 | Duplicate RTV record. RTV exists in History table - SVC35600 | | Edit |
10278 | Duplicate RTV master record | | Edit |
10279 | Invalid RTV Status Flag - 1=Entered, 2=Ready To Ship, 3=Shipped, 4=Partial Recd, 5=Received, 6=Closed are valid values | | Edit |
10280 | Invalid Void Status Flag (VOIDSTTS) - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
10281 | Invalid Customer Owned Flag (CUSTOWN) - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
10283 | Vendor (VENDORID) does not exist | | Edit |
10284 | Vendor (VENDORID) is set to on hold | | Edit |
10285 | Vendor (VENDORID) is set to inactive | | Edit |
10286 | Address Code does not exist for this Vendor | | Edit |
10287 | Vendor ID of existing RTV is different from the vendor id parameter | | Edit |
10288 | Shipping Method (Shipping_Method_Out) does not exist in Shipping Method Master table - SY03000 | | Edit |
10289 | Shipping Method (SHIPMTHD) does not exist in Shipping Method Master table - SY03000 | | Edit |
10290 | Invalid RTV Type (RTV_Type) value | | Edit |
10291 | RTV Return Status (RTV_Return_Status) does not exist in Return Status codes table - SVC05002 | | Edit |
10292 | Process to calculate line totals returned and error | | Edit |
10293 | Invalid Entry Time, Entry Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10294 | Invalid Entry Date, Entry Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10295 | Invalid Promised Time, Promised Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10296 | Invalid Promised Date, Promised Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10297 | Invalid Promised Date, Promised date (PRMDATE) must be a later date than Entry Date (ENTDTE) | | Edit |
10298 | Promised Date/Time (PRMDATE) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (ENTTME) | | Edit |
10299 | Invalid Shipped Time, Shipped Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10300 | Invalid Shipped Date, Shipped Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10301 | Invalid Shipped Date, Shipped date (Shipped_Date) must be a later date than Entry Date (ENTDTE) | | Edit |
10302 | Invalid Shipped Date/Time, Shipped date/time (Shipped_Date) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (PRMDATE) | | Edit |
10303 | Invalid Receipt Time, Receipt Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10304 | Invalid Receipt Date, Receipt Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10305 | Invalid Received Date, Received date (Receiptdate) must be a later date than Shipped Date (Shipped_Date) | | Edit |
10306 | Invalid Receipt Date/Time, Receipt Date/Time (Receiptdate) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (ENTDTE) | | Edit |
10307 | Invalid Complete Time, Complete Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10308 | Invalid Complete Date, Complete Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10309 | Invalid Arrival Date, Complete date (COMPDTE) must be a later date than Arrival Date (Receiptdate) | | Edit |
10310 | Invalid Complete Date/Time, Complete date/time (COMPDTE/COMPTME) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (Receiptdate/Receipt_Time) | | Edit |
10311 | Invalid RMA Document Line has been entered. The value (RETDOCID) and (LNSEQNBR) does not exist in table - SVC05200 | | Edit |
10312 | Invalid Office ID (OFFID), Office ID does not exist in the SVC00902 Table | | Edit |
10313 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
10314 | Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table | | Edit |
10315 | Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table | | Edit |
10316 | Process to validate currency using taMCCurrencyValidate proc returned an error | | Edit |
10317 | An Invalid RATETPID has been entered - the RATETPID does not exist in the MC40100 Table | | Edit |
10318 | MC Exchange rate cannot be 0 | | Edit |
10319 | Unable to create FS RTV Master Entry - SVC05600 | | Edit |
10320 | Unable to create FS RTV Master Entry Audit Record - SVC05620 | | Edit |
10321 | Unable to update the RTV master record - SVC05600 | | Edit |
10322 | Process to calculate totals for distributions returned an error | | Edit |
10323 | Process to create RTV Master Distributions returned an error | | Edit |
10324 | Post Custom Business Logic in taFSRTVMaster returned an error value | | Edit |
10325 | Input variable (UpdateIfExists) contains an invalid value | | Edit |
11844 | This site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |