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Errors for the taFSRTVMaster Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taFSRTVMaster
10245Address Code does not exist for this Vendor  Edit
10246Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table  Edit
10247Unable to create FS RTV Master Entry Audit Record - SVC05620  Edit
10270Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSRTVMaster returned an error value  Edit
10271At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
10272Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
10273Input variable (CUSTOWN) or (VOIDSTTS) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
10274RTV document is marked for shipping  Edit
10275RTV document is marked for receiving  Edit
10276RTV document is marked for closing  Edit
10277Duplicate RTV record. RTV exists in History table - SVC35600  Edit
10278Duplicate RTV master record  Edit
10279Invalid RTV Status Flag - 1=Entered, 2=Ready To Ship, 3=Shipped, 4=Partial Recd, 5=Received, 6=Closed are valid values  Edit
10280Invalid Void Status Flag (VOIDSTTS) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
10281Invalid Customer Owned Flag (CUSTOWN) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
10283Vendor (VENDORID) does not exist  Edit
10284Vendor (VENDORID) is set to on hold  Edit
10285Vendor (VENDORID) is set to inactive  Edit
10286Address Code does not exist for this Vendor  Edit
10287Vendor ID of existing RTV is different from the vendor id parameter  Edit
10288Shipping Method (Shipping_Method_Out) does not exist in Shipping Method Master table - SY03000  Edit
10289Shipping Method (SHIPMTHD) does not exist in Shipping Method Master table - SY03000  Edit
10290Invalid RTV Type (RTV_Type) value  Edit
10291RTV Return Status (RTV_Return_Status) does not exist in Return Status codes table - SVC05002  Edit
10292Process to calculate line totals returned and error  Edit
10293Invalid Entry Time, Entry Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10294Invalid Entry Date, Entry Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10295Invalid Promised Time, Promised Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10296Invalid Promised Date, Promised Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10297Invalid Promised Date, Promised date (PRMDATE) must be a later date than Entry Date (ENTDTE)  Edit
10298Promised Date/Time (PRMDATE) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (ENTTME)  Edit
10299Invalid Shipped Time, Shipped Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10300Invalid Shipped Date, Shipped Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10301Invalid Shipped Date, Shipped date (Shipped_Date) must be a later date than Entry Date (ENTDTE)  Edit
10302Invalid Shipped Date/Time, Shipped date/time (Shipped_Date) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (PRMDATE)  Edit
10303Invalid Receipt Time, Receipt Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10304Invalid Receipt Date, Receipt Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10305Invalid Received Date, Received date (Receiptdate) must be a later date than Shipped Date (Shipped_Date)  Edit
10306Invalid Receipt Date/Time, Receipt Date/Time (Receiptdate) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (ENTDTE)  Edit
10307Invalid Complete Time, Complete Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10308Invalid Complete Date, Complete Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10309Invalid Arrival Date, Complete date (COMPDTE) must be a later date than Arrival Date (Receiptdate)  Edit
10310Invalid Complete Date/Time, Complete date/time (COMPDTE/COMPTME) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (Receiptdate/Receipt_Time)  Edit
10311Invalid RMA Document Line has been entered. The value (RETDOCID) and (LNSEQNBR) does not exist in table - SVC05200  Edit
10312Invalid Office ID (OFFID), Office ID does not exist in the SVC00902 Table  Edit
10313Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
10314Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table  Edit
10315Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table  Edit
10316Process to validate currency using taMCCurrencyValidate proc returned an error  Edit
10317An Invalid RATETPID has been entered - the RATETPID does not exist in the MC40100 Table  Edit
10318MC Exchange rate cannot be 0  Edit
10319Unable to create FS RTV Master Entry - SVC05600  Edit
10320Unable to create FS RTV Master Entry Audit Record - SVC05620  Edit
10321Unable to update the RTV master record - SVC05600  Edit
10322Process to calculate totals for distributions returned an error  Edit
10323Process to create RTV Master Distributions returned an error  Edit
10324Post Custom Business Logic in taFSRTVMaster returned an error value  Edit
10325Input variable (UpdateIfExists) contains an invalid value  Edit
11844This site is currently marked inactive  Edit
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