Option | smallint | Yes | Trx Option - 1=Enter Trx; 2=Enter Receipt(not used); 3=Void Transaction; 4=Void Receipt(not used) | IN |
CMTrxType | smallint | No | Type - 3=Check; 4=Withdrawal; 5=Increase Adjustment; 6=Decrease Adjustment - Used only with Option=1&2 | IN |
TRXDATE | datetime | No | Transaction Date used system date if not passed in | IN |
USERID | char(15) | No | User ID - defaults to 'eBusiness' if not passed in | IN |
GLPOSTDT | datetime | No | GL Posting Date - defaults to TRXDATE if not passed in | IN |
DistRef | char(30) | Yes | Distribution Reference - only used for required default distribution | IN |
BACHNUMB | char(15) | No | GL Batch Number - This changes how things match out in front end, but has to be allowed for batching. | IN |
RATEEXPR | smallint | No | Rate Expiration - 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Bi-Weekly; 4=Semi-Monthly; 5=Monthly; | IN |
DYSTINCR | smallint | No | Days to Increment - Only used when RATEEXPR = 8 | IN |
TRXDTDEF | smallint | No | Trx Date Default - 0=Exact Date; 1=Next Date; 2=Previous Date | IN |
RTCLCMTD | smallint | No | Rate Calculation Method; 0=Multiply; 1= Divide | IN |
DATELMTS | smallint | No | Date Limits - 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited | IN |
TIME1 | datetime | No | Time1 - field used for finding XCHGRATE if not passed in | IN |
RequesterTrx | smallint | No | Requester Trx - 0=false,1=true - if true then populates shadow table *NOT USED* | IN |
USRDEFND1 | char(50) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND2 | char(50) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND3 | char(50) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND4 | varchar(8000) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND5 | varchar(8000) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
oErrString | varchar(255) | No | Create Custom Business Logic | INOUT |