5601 | Functional Debits and Credits do not match (DEBITAMT <> CRDTAMNT in CM20400) | | Edit |
5602 | Unable to update GL10000 table | | Edit |
5603 | Unable to update GL10001 table | | Edit |
5605 | The currency id may not be passed in when entering transactions (Option = 1) | | Edit |
5606 | This company does not have access to the currency passed in | | Edit |
5607 | The Currency ID (CURNCYID) is set to inactive for this database in the DYNAMICS..MC60100 table | | Edit |
5608 | The RcpType parameter is an invalid value - 1=Check; 2=Cash; 3=Credit Card | | Edit |
5609 | Only the functional currency or the currency assigned to the checkbook can be used | | Edit |
5610 | Error updating CM00100 table | | Edit |
5611 | Unable to insert into the CM20300 table | | Edit |
7579 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7580 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taBRBankTransactionHeader stored procedure | | Edit |
7581 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
7582 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
7583 | A functional currency is not setup and is required for eConnect | | Edit |
7584 | The Option parameter is an invalid value - 1=Enter Trx; 2=Enter Receipt | | Edit |
7585 | The CMTrxType parameter is an invalid value - 3=Check; 4=Withdrawal; 5=Increase Adjustment; 6=Decrease Adjustment | | Edit |
7586 | The CHEKBKID parameter cannot be empty | | Edit |
7587 | The CMTrxNum parameter cannot be empty | | Edit |
7589 | The RATEEXPR parameter is invalid | | Edit |
7590 | The TRXDTDEF parameter is invalid | | Edit |
7591 | The RTCLCMTD parameter is invalid | | Edit |
7592 | The RequesterTrx value passed in is invalid - 0=False; 1=True | | Edit |
7593 | The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100 | | Edit |
7594 | The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) passed is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
7595 | Input number of decimals on TRXAMNT exceeds setup for currency decimal places for currency on the Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) | | Edit |
7596 | The checkbook default Currency ID (CURNCYID) is set to inactive for this database in the DYNAMICS..MC60100 table | | Edit |
7597 | An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
7598 | Unable to get Audit Trail Code | | Edit |
7599 | Error updating CM20400 table | | Edit |
7600 | Error updating CM20400 table | | Edit |
7601 | Unable to insert into the CM20100 table | | Edit |
7602 | Unable to insert into the CM20200 table | | Edit |
7603 | Unable to insert into the CM20400 table | | Edit |
7604 | Originating Debits and Credits do not match (ORDBTAMT <> ORCRDAMT in CM20400) | | Edit |
7605 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7623 | Unable to update the CM20400 table | | Edit |
7635 | Unable to fetch next record for posting Bank Transactions | | Edit |
7636 | Unable to get next journal entry number | | Edit |
7637 | Could not create GL transaction line | | Edit |
7638 | Could not create GL transaction header | | Edit |
7639 | Error deleting record from DTA10100 | | Edit |
7640 | Error deleting record from DTA10200 | | Edit |
7700 | Unable to update SY00500 table | | Edit |
7702 | Unable to insert rounding difference into the CM20400 table | | Edit |
7703 | MC Rounding account is not setup in Posting Accounts Setup | | Edit |
8113 | The Credit Card (CARDNAME) passed does not exist in the Credit Card Master Table - SY03100 | | Edit |
8114 | The Credit Card (CARDNAME) passed can not be a Charge, Credit or Check Card only Bank Cards can be used for this transaction type | | Edit |
9395 | Error processing AA transaction | | Edit |
9396 | Error processing AA transaction | | Edit |
9428 | Could not process analytics | | Edit |
9478 | Invalid Analytics distributions | | Edit |
9479 | Error updating AAG20001 | | Edit |
10449 | cmGetLastJournalNumber returned an error | | Edit |