1906 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
1907 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
1908 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1909 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
1911 | PA Timesheet setup does not exist | | Edit |
1912 | Invalid Transaction Type | | Edit |
1913 | Employee does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1914 | Employee is not setup as a Vendor | | Edit |
1915 | Employee does not exist in PA Employee Master | | Edit |
1916 | Project does not exist | | Edit |
1917 | Project is on hold, closed or an estimate | | Edit |
1918 | Contract does not exist | | Edit |
1919 | Contract is on hold, closed or an estimate | | Edit |
1920 | PA Customer Master does not exist | | Edit |
1921 | PA Customer is closed to project costs | | Edit |
1922 | Employee access does not exist for this project | | Edit |
1923 | Reference Document No. can not be blank for Transaction Type = 2 | | Edit |
1924 | Reference Document Number does not exist in the Line History table | | Edit |
1925 | Cost Category does not exist | | Edit |
1926 | Category ID may not be for this project | | Edit |
1927 | Invalid Cost Category - cost category is inactive | | Edit |
1928 | Invalid Cost Category - cannot be used in Employee Expense | | Edit |
1929 | You can not adjust an item that does not exist in history | | Edit |
1930 | Cost Category ID is not included in the budget | | Edit |
1931 | Budget is on hold, closed or an estimate | | Edit |
1932 | Unit of Measure is not part of schedule | | Edit |
1933 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
1934 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
1935 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
1936 | Unable to retrieve Unbilled Accounts Receivable Account | | Edit |
1937 | Unable to retrieve Unbilled Project Revenues Account | | Edit |
1938 | Unable to retrieve Contra Account | | Edit |
1939 | PA WIP IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1940 | PA COGS IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
1941 | PA Unbilled AR IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
1942 | PA Unbilled Proj Rev IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
1943 | PA Contra Account IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
1944 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
1945 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
1948 | Line Number Sequence already exists | | Edit |
1949 | Invalid Purchase Tax Option | | Edit |
1950 | Invalid Payment Method | | Edit |
1951 | Invalid Billing Type | | Edit |
1952 | Invalid Expense Type | | Edit |
1953 | Unable to create employee access on the fly | | Edit |
1954 | Unable to create PA Employee Expense Line Entry | | Edit |
1955 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
2033 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
2034 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3800 | Work in Progress Account is empty. Please enter an Account | | Edit |
3801 | Purchasing Acct is empty. Please enter an Account for either Work in Progress or Cost of Goods Sold | | Edit |
5877 | Invalid Currency ID | | Edit |
6465 | Project is closed to project costs | | Edit |
6466 | Contract is closed to project costs | | Edit |
6467 | Invalid Quantity. Employee Expense setup does not allow zero quantity. | | Edit |
6468 | You are not allowed to exceed budget qty | | Edit |
6469 | You are not allowed to have negative actual budget quantity | | Edit |
6470 | You are not allowed to have negative actual costs | | Edit |
6471 | You are not allowed to have negative actual accrued revenues | | Edit |
6472 | You are not allowed to exceed budget costs | | Edit |
6473 | You are not allowed to exceed total budget/revenue | | Edit |
6474 | Invalid Unit Cost. Employee Expense Setup does not allow zero unit cost | | Edit |
6477 | Unit of Measure (PAUnit_of_Measure) is not part of the schedule | | Edit |
6478 | Invalid Tax Schedule. Tax schedule does not exists | | Edit |
6479 | Invalid Payment Method for this expense type. | | Edit |
6480 | Invalid Expense Type. Expense type 2=Personal Expense is not allowed for an existing Project. | | Edit |
6613 | Unable to add cost category on the fly | | Edit |
6614 | Unable to add cost category on the fly | | Edit |
7748 | Input number of decimals exceeds setup for decimal places | | Edit |