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Errors for the taPAEmpExpenseLineInsert Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taPAEmpExpenseLineInsert
1906Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
1907At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
1908Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1909Input variable contains a negative value  Edit
1911PA Timesheet setup does not exist  Edit
1912Invalid Transaction Type  Edit
1913Employee does not exist Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1914Employee is not setup as a Vendor  Edit
1915Employee does not exist in PA Employee Master  Edit
1916Project does not exist  Edit
1917Project is on hold, closed or an estimate  Edit
1918Contract does not exist  Edit
1919Contract is on hold, closed or an estimate  Edit
1920PA Customer Master does not exist  Edit
1921PA Customer is closed to project costs  Edit
1922Employee access does not exist for this project  Edit
1923Reference Document No. can not be blank for Transaction Type = 2  Edit
1924Reference Document Number does not exist in the Line History table  Edit
1925Cost Category does not exist  Edit
1926Category ID may not be for this project  Edit
1927Invalid Cost Category - cost category is inactive  Edit
1928Invalid Cost Category - cannot be used in Employee Expense  Edit
1929You can not adjust an item that does not exist in history  Edit
1930Cost Category ID is not included in the budget  Edit
1931Budget is on hold, closed or an estimate  Edit
1932Unit of Measure is not part of schedule  Edit
1933Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account  Edit
1934Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account  Edit
1935Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account  Edit
1936Unable to retrieve Unbilled Accounts Receivable Account  Edit
1937Unable to retrieve Unbilled Project Revenues Account  Edit
1938Unable to retrieve Contra Account  Edit
1939PA WIP IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1940PA COGS IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID  Edit
1941PA Unbilled AR IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID  Edit
1942PA Unbilled Proj Rev IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID  Edit
1943PA Contra Account IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID  Edit
1944Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account  Edit
1945Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account  Edit
1948Line Number Sequence already exists  Edit
1949Invalid Purchase Tax Option  Edit
1950Invalid Payment Method  Edit
1951Invalid Billing Type  Edit
1952Invalid Expense Type  Edit
1953Unable to create employee access on the fly  Edit
1954Unable to create PA Employee Expense Line Entry  Edit
1955Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
2033eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
2034eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3800Work in Progress Account is empty. Please enter an Account  Edit
3801Purchasing Acct is empty. Please enter an Account for either Work in Progress or Cost of Goods Sold  Edit
5877Invalid Currency ID  Edit
6465Project is closed to project costs  Edit
6466Contract is closed to project costs  Edit
6467Invalid Quantity. Employee Expense setup does not allow zero quantity.  Edit
6468You are not allowed to exceed budget qty  Edit
6469You are not allowed to have negative actual budget quantity  Edit
6470You are not allowed to have negative actual costs  Edit
6471You are not allowed to have negative actual accrued revenues  Edit
6472You are not allowed to exceed budget costs  Edit
6473You are not allowed to exceed total budget/revenue  Edit
6474Invalid Unit Cost. Employee Expense Setup does not allow zero unit cost  Edit
6477Unit of Measure (PAUnit_of_Measure) is not part of the schedule  Edit
6478Invalid Tax Schedule. Tax schedule does not exists  Edit
6479Invalid Payment Method for this expense type.  Edit
6480Invalid Expense Type. Expense type 2=Personal Expense is not allowed for an existing Project.  Edit
6613Unable to add cost category on the fly  Edit
6614Unable to add cost category on the fly  Edit
7748Input number of decimals exceeds setup for decimal places  Edit
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