Module List > Module SVC tables SVC00600
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COMPANY..SVC00600 Table Definition

This table is used to store the contract header information in the Field Service product. This information is designed to control some functions for the entire contract, such as billing and revenue recognition, and default on contract lines as they are added to the contract.

Field Definitions:

What is the 'source' column?

 Column NameData Type
Default Value
CONSTS smallint
Field Type...(more) Join Now
CONTNBR char(11)
The actual...(more) Join Now
Contract_Transfer_Status smallint
If the cur...(more) Join Now
Contract_Transfer_Date datetime
The date t...(more) Join Now
TAXSCHID char(15)

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priorityLevel smallint
The priori...(more) Join Now
ADRSCODE char(15)
Address Co...(more) Join Now
NOTEINDX numeric(19,5)
Note Index...(more) Join Now
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TIMEZONE char(3)
Field is n...(more) Join Now
CONTPRC numeric(19,5)
Field is not used.
RENCNTTYP smallint
If you are...(more) Join Now
Renewing p...(more) Join Now
PCTCRYFWD numeric(19,5)
Percentage...(more) Join Now
FRZEND datetime
Frozen End...(more) Join Now
FRXSTRT datetime
Frozen Sta...(more) Join Now
MXINCPCT numeric(19,5)
Max Increa...(more) Join Now
BLKTIM numeric(19,5)
Blocked Ti...(more) Join Now
VALTIM numeric(19,5)
Value of T...(more) Join Now
DSCPCTAM smallint
Discount P...(more) Join Now
COMDLRAM numeric(19,5)
Commission...(more) Join Now
COUNTRY char(61)
Country co...(more) Join Now
PRCSTAT char(1)
Status of ...(more) Join Now
PORDNMBR char(21)
Purchase Order Number: This field contains the purchase order the transaction refers to. The purchase order number provided by the customer. A purchase order number is not required and is informational only. QA010532.PORDNMBR
DSCRIPTN char(31)
Description entered when receipt was created The description from the selected Contract Type. WO010116.DSCRIPTN
PARTPCT numeric(19,5)
The percen...(more) Join Now
LABPCT numeric(19,5)
Labor Pct ...(more) Join Now
MISCPCT numeric(19,5)
The percen...(more) Join Now
PMMSCPCT numeric(19,5)
PM Misc Pc...(more) Join Now
PMPRTPCT numeric(19,5)
PM Part Pc...(more) Join Now
PMLABPCT numeric(19,5)
PM Labor P...(more) Join Now
VENDORID char(15)
Vendor ID:...(more) Join Now
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RETNAGAM numeric(19,5)
Retainage ...(more) Join Now
RTNBILLD numeric(19,5)
Retainage ...(more) Join Now
SLPRSNID char(15)
Salesperson ID: Used only for defaulting commission distribution information at data entry time. This is a control ID used to define salespersons, and there should be a record in the RM_Salesperson_MSTR table with this ID. In SBM, this field is not available. Salesperson data is not used in SBM. Salesperson ID associated with the current contract. This defaults from the customer card and is informational only. SC020430.SLPRSNID
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COMMCODE char(15)
Commission...(more) Join Now
COMPRCNT smallint
Commission...(more) Join Now
BILSTRT datetime
Bill Start...(more) Join Now
BILEND datetime
Bill End ...(more) Join Now
BILLNGTH smallint
Bill Lengt...(more) Join Now
BILPRD smallint
Bill Perio...(more) Join Now
TOTAL numeric(19,5)
Pretax total value of current contract. Represents the sum of the TOTAL field from all associated contract lines. EXT40051.TOTAL
FRSTBLDTE datetime
First Bill...(more) Join Now
Last_Amount_Billed numeric(19,5)
Amount that was last billed for current contract.
LSTBLDTE datetime
Last Bill ...(more) Join Now
NBRCAL smallint
Max Number...(more) Join Now
ACTCAL smallint
Actual Num...(more) Join Now
TOTVALCAL numeric(19,5)
Total Valu...(more) Join Now
CONTACT char(61)
Contact Contact for the Ship To Address ID Customer contact information defaults from the Receivables Management customer card. POP30210.CONTACT
CURNCYID char(15)
Currency I...(more) Join Now
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NXTBLDTE datetime
Next Bill ...(more) Join Now
CNTTYPE char(11)
Contract T...(more) Join Now
PRICSHED char(11)
Price Sche...(more) Join Now
CUSTNMBR char(15)
Customer Number: The Customer ID from the RM_Customer_MSTR table. Customer selected for the current contract. Several pieces of information default from the customer selected. The Customer Number to which the current price book is linked. Each price book entry can be attached to either a Customer Class or a specific Customer Number, along with an Item Class or specific Item Number. SC020330.CUSTNMBR
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ENTDTE datetime
Entry Date...(more) Join Now
MINBIL numeric(19,5)
Min Billab...(more) Join Now
MAXBIL numeric(19,5)
Max Billab...(more) Join Now
MAXBILL numeric(19,5)
Max Billab...(more) Join Now
AUTOREN tinyint
Auto Renew...(more) Join Now
MSTCNTRCT char(11)
Master Con...(more) Join Now
SRVTYPE char(11)
Service Ty...(more) Join Now
BILFRRET tinyint
Bill For R...(more) Join Now
TOTBIL numeric(19,5)
Total Bill...(more) Join Now
PREPAID tinyint
Pre Paid ...(more) Join Now
BILONDY smallint
Bill On Da...(more) Join Now
BILCYC smallint
Billing Cy...(more) Join Now
UOFM char(9)
U Of M ...(more) Join Now
See I... more text available
BILSTAT smallint
Billing St...(more) Join Now
ENTTME datetime
Entry Time...(more) Join Now
STRTDATE datetime
Start Date: The date the employee started. Date the contract coverage term will begin. This value defaults to each contract line. Used with Contract Length and Contract Period to calculate End Date. PC70100.STRTDATE
ENDDATE datetime
End Date: End date of permitted substitution. Date the contract coverage term will end. This value defaults to each contract line. Calculated using Start Date, Contract Length and Contract Period. PC70100.ENDDATE
CNTCOVPD_1 datetime
Contract C...(more) Join Now
CNTCOVPD_2 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
CNTCOVPD_3 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
CNTCOVPD_4 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
CNTCOVPD_5 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
CNTCOVPD_6 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
CNTCOVPD_7 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
Contract_Coverage_Period_1 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
Contract_Coverage_Period_2 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
Contract_Coverage_Period_3 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
Contract_Coverage_Period_4 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
Contract_Coverage_Period_5 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
Contract_Coverage_Period_6 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
Contract_Coverage_Period_7 datetime
Seven time fields representing the time each day, Monday through Sunday, on which contract coverage ends for the current contract. These values default to each contract line.
USECVPD_1 tinyint
Seven fields that represent whether contract coverage is in force on each day of the week, Monday through Sunday. These values default to each contract line.
USECVPD_2 tinyint
Seven fields that represent whether contract coverage is in force on each day of the week, Monday through Sunday. These values default to each contract line.
USECVPD_3 tinyint
Seven fields that represent whether contract coverage is in force on each day of the week, Monday through Sunday. These values default to each contract line.
USECVPD_4 tinyint
Seven fields that represent whether contract coverage is in force on each day of the week, Monday through Sunday. These values default to each contract line.
USECVPD_5 tinyint
Seven fields that represent whether contract coverage is in force on each day of the week, Monday through Sunday. These values default to each contract line.
USECVPD_6 tinyint
Seven fields that represent whether contract coverage is in force on each day of the week, Monday through Sunday. These values default to each contract line.
USECVPD_7 tinyint
Seven fields that represent whether contract coverage is in force on each day of the week, Monday through Sunday. These values default to each contract line.
Contract_Length smallint
Contract L...(more) Join Now
Contract_Period smallint
Contract P...(more) Join Now
Invoiced_Amount numeric(19,5)
Invoiced A...(more) Join Now
Liabiltiy_Reduction tinyint
Liability ...(more) Join Now
Amount_To_Invoice numeric(19,5)
Amount To ...(more) Join Now
Liability_Amount numeric(19,5)
Liability ...(more) Join Now
Total_Liability_Amount numeric(19,5)
Total Liab...(more) Join Now
Number of ...(more) Join Now
Quote_Status smallint
Quote Stat...(more) Join Now
QUOEXPDA datetime
Quote Expi...(more) Join Now
Credit_Hold tinyint
Credit Hol...(more) Join Now
TAXEXMT1 char(25)
Tax Exempt 1: For customer reference only. This field may store a tax exempt field. User defined field to hold company’s tax-exempt number. This field is informational only. SY01500.TAXEXMT1
TAXEXMT2 char(25)
Tax Exempt 2: For customer reference only. This field may store a tax exempt field. SY01500.TAXEXMT2
New_PO_Required tinyint
New PO Req...(more) Join Now
Contract_Renewal_Contact char(31)
Contract R...(more) Join Now
Source_Contract_Number char(21)
Source Con...(more) Join Now
Source_Contract_Type smallint
Source Con...(more) Join Now
Contract_Response_Time char(7)
Contract R...(more) Join Now
Liability_Months smallint
Liability ...(more) Join Now
Next_Liability_Date datetime
Next Liabi...(more) Join Now
Last_Liability_Date datetime
Last Liabi...(more) Join Now
Total_Liability_Billed numeric(19,5)
Total Liab...(more) Join Now
Total_Unit numeric(19,5)
Total Unit...(more) Join Now
Created_User_ID char(15)
SVC_Create...(more) Join Now
Source_User_ID char(15)
Source Use...(more) Join Now
SVC_Contract_Signed datetime
SVC_Contra...(more) Join Now
SVC_Liability_Type smallint
SVC_Liabil...(more) Join Now
RETTYPE char(11)
SVC Return...(more) Join Now
Location_Segment char(67)
Location S...(more) Join Now
Bill_To_Customer char(15)
Bill To Cu...(more) Join Now
SVC_Invoice_Detail tinyint
SVC Invoic...(more) Join Now
USERDEF1 char(21)
UserDefined1 User Defined Field 1 Contract header user defined field. WR010130.USERDEF1
USERDEF2 char(21)
Contract header user defined field. WR010130.USERDEF2
USRDEF03 char(21)
Contract header user defined field. PAMINVCS.USRDEF03
USRDEF04 char(21)
Contract header user defined field. PAM30702.USRDEF04
USRDEF05 char(21)
Contract header user defined field. PAM00701.USRDEF05
SVC_Bill_To_Address_Code char(15)
Address ID that will be sent to Sales Order Processing as the Bill-To Address when the current contract is billed.
DSCDLRAM numeric(19,5)
Discount Dollar Amount: When a value exists in this field, it will override the setting in the SY_Payment_Terms table for calculating Discount Amount Available for this transaction only. If there is a value in the Percent Discount field, this field will be empty. Dollar amount of all discounts on line items attached to the current contract. The amount of any discount on the contract line that applies to the current revenue entry. PTE10500.DSCDLRAM
SVC_Paid_Contract tinyint
SVC Paid C...(more) Join Now
SVC_Discount_Recognized numeric(19,5)
Field Type...(more) Join Now
SVC_Discount_Remaining numeric(19,5)
SVC Discou...(more) Join Now
SVC_Discount_Next numeric(19,5)
SVC Discou...(more) Join Now
CURRNIDX smallint
Currency index representing the Currency ID selected on the current contract. The currency index assigned to the current General Ledger entry. This field ties to the currencies set up in the Currency Setup MC40200 table. RVLPD030.CURRNIDX
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RATETPID char(15)
Rate Type ...(more) Join Now
EXGTBLID char(15)
Exchange T...(more) Join Now
XCHGRATE numeric(19,7)
Exchange T...(more) Join Now
EXCHDATE datetime
Exchange D...(more) Join Now
DECPLACS smallint
Decimal Pl...(more) Join Now
TIME1 datetime
The time on which the selected Exchange Rate became effective, based on the Exchange Table ID. RM30502.TIME1
RATECALC smallint
Rate Calc Method Rate Calc Method of the transaction. If not a multi-currency transaction, leave blank. 0 = MULTIPLY 1 = DIVIDE Set to 0 if the Rate Calculation Method on the assigned Exchange Table ID is Multiply. Set to 1 if the Rate Calculation Method is set as Divide. PTE30501.RATECALC
VIEWMODE smallint
Determines whether the user is viewing in either ‘Functional’ or ‘Originating’ currency based on the Currency View Mode button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
ISMCTRX smallint
Set to 0 if the Currency Index on the current contract is the same as the company functional currency. Set to 1 if the Currency Index is different than the functional currency, resulting in a multi-currency contract transaction. PM20100.ISMCTRX
EXPNDATE datetime
The Expiration Date for the selected Exchange Rate assigned to the current contract. MOPA1040.EXPNDATE
DENXRATE numeric(19,7)
Denomination exchange rate of the transaction. If there is triangulation, this is the fixed rate. If both rates are fixed, this is the Euro to Functional fixed rate. If there is no triangulation or a non multi-currency transaction, this is 0. PAM30501.DENXRATE
MCTRXSTT smallint
MC Transac...(more) Join Now
ORIGVALTIM numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORCOMAMT numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORIGRETNAGAM numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORIGRTNBILLD numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORIGTOTAL numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORIGLASTAmountBilled numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORIGTOTVALCAL numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORIGMINBIL numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORIGMAXBIL numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
Originating_Max_Billable numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORIGTOTBIL numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
Orig_Invoiced_Amount numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
Orig_Amount_To_Invoice numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
Orig_Liability_Amount numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
OrigTotLiabilityAmount numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
OrigTotLiabBilled numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
Originating_Total_Unit numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
ORDDLRAT numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
OrigDiscountReceived numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
OrigDiscountRemaining numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
OrigDiscountNext numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
SmoothInvoiceCalc tinyint
Smooth Inv...(more) Join Now
SmoothRevenueCalc tinyint
Smooth Rev...(more) Join Now
SVC_Use_Same_Number tinyint
SVC Use Sa...(more) Join Now
SVC_FO_ID char(51)
SVC FO ID ...(more) Join Now
SVC_Invoiced_Cost numeric(19,5)
SVC Invoic...(more) Join Now
Orig_SVC_Invoiced_Cost numeric(19,5)
Originatin...(more) Join Now
SVC_Evergreen_Contract tinyint
SVC Evergr...(more) Join Now
SVC_Evergreen_RenewLimit smallint
SVC Evergr...(more) Join Now
SVC_Evergreen_Renewals smallint
SVC Evergr...(more) Join Now
SVC_New_Contract_Number char(11)
SVC New Co...(more) Join Now
SVC_New_PO_Number char(21)
SVC New PO...(more) Join Now
Workflow_Approval_Status smallint
Time: Time...(more) Join Now
Workflow_Priority smallint
Workflow A...(more) Join Now SY00500.Workflow_Priority
svcBillingFrequency smallint

svcFrequencyQty smallint

auto number (1,1)
Unique ide...(more) Join Now
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