The PM_Key_MSTR table is used to validate the uniqueness of control numbers in the system. A combination of the control number and control type ensure uniqueness. The control numbers used with transaction entry are Voucher Number - Work, Cash Amount Payment Number, Check Amount Payment Number, and Credit Card Amount Payment Number. The PM_Key_MSTR table also is used to ensure uniqueness for the Document Number and Check Number. The PM_Key_MSTR table will contain a record for the numbers it is tracking, no matter if they reside in work, open or history tables. A record will remain in the PM_Key_MSTR table until all transaction data for the control number it is tracking has been deleted (i.e. the transaction record, all distributions, all taxes).
When a control number is initially entered, a PM_Key_MSTR table record is saved with the control number to prevent another user from using the same control number. This keys record will be given a Document Status of 0. This means the control number is reserved for use by an unsaved work record. When the transaction record is actually saved, this status will be changed to 1. As the transaction moves through the system, this status changes to reflect the current location. The other Document Status settings are 1 for work, 2 for open, and 3 for history.
In lieu of importing into the PM Key Master table, transactions can be imported into the Payables Transaction Work table, with an associated control number, and checklinks run on the Payables Transaction Logical table. This will create the corresponding record in the PM Key Master table.
Display Name: PM Key Master File
Physical Name: PM00400
A keys record for the Voucher Number - WORK should be created first. This record is also used to track Document Number uniqueness if Allow Duplicate Invoices of table PM_SETP is set to false.