Module List > Module IV tables IV00301
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COMPANY..IV00301 Table Definition

(COMPANY..Item Lot Attribute Master)

This file is used to store the lot attribute values for those line items that are tracking lot numbers and are set to track the attributes for the lot numbers. In order for Inventory items to track lot attributes, the item must be assigned a lot category value in the Lot Type field on the item's master record in the IV_Item_MSTR file. For an item tracking lot attributes, a record is added to the IV_Lot_Attributes file during transaction entry if a record does not exist for the item number/lot number combination being processed.

For items which are tracking lot numbers and are also tracking lot attributes, processing for the IV_Lot_Attributes file is needed.

For an increase line item entry, a lot attribute record needs to be added if one does not already exist for the item number / lot number combination being processed. If a new lot attribute record is added, then the 'Record Status' field is set to 0 and the 'In Use Count' field is set to 1. If a record already exists in the IV_Lot_Attributes file, then the 'In Use Count' field on this record needs to be incremented by 1.

For a decrease or transfer line item entry, if a lot number is added on-the-fly, then a lot attribute record needs to be added if one does not already exist. If a new lot attribute record is added, then the Record Status field is set to 2 and the 'In Use Count' field is set to 1. If a record already exists in the IV_Lot_Attributes file, then the 'In Use Count' field on this record needs to be incremented by 1.

Field Definitions:

What is the 'source' column?

 Column NameData Type
Default Value
ITEMNMBR char(31)
Item Numbe...(more) Join Now
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LOTNUMBR char(21)
Lot Number...(more) Join Now
LOTATRB1 char(11)
Lot Attrib...(more) Join Now
LOTATRB2 char(11)
Lot Attrib...(more) Join Now
LOTATRB3 char(11)
Lot Attrib...(more) Join Now
LOTATRB4 datetime
Lot Attrib...(more) Join Now
LOTATRB5 datetime
Lot Attrib...(more) Join Now
IUSCOUNT smallint
In Use Cou...(more) Join Now
RCRDSTTS smallint
Record Sta...(more) Join Now
auto number (1,1)
Unique ide...(more) Join Now
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