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 Display Name
 BM00101Bill of Materials Header

Contains the Bill of Materials Header information.

 BM00111Bill of Materials Component

Contains the Bill of Materials Component line item information.

IV00101Item Master

There are special circumstances importing into the Item Master.  This is normally a dropdown list with values of 0-5 which would be the import values 1-6.  The IU tries to match the imported value to the values in the dropdown and if it finds a match it will set the correct value for you.  In this case, importing the correct value of 3 (to get 2 decimal places because 2 is 3rd on the list) will get you 3 decimal places.  The IU has matched 3 with the list and set it as 4 because it was 4th on the list.  This only affects the IU, using ODBC or another entry method, enter the correct value (3 in this case).

IV00102Item Quantity Master

The Item Qty Master stores the quantities of the items.  It consists of an 'overall' record that holds the totals for all the sites as well as a record for each site that this item is assigned to.  The two types are differentiated by the Location Code & Record type.  We recommend that you not import any quantities (except Reorder Level, Maximum Qty Level, and QTY Sold) into this file.  The reason for that is an inventory reconcile will compare receipts for the item against the quantities and correct them to match.  This would cancel any beginning balances for the item that was imported here.  A better way would be to import inventory transactions and post the beginning balances for the items.  Reconciling does not impact the following fields:  Committed (not used yet), Sold, or Requisitioned.

 IV00103Item Vendor Master

This file holds information about the items in the vendor supplies.

 IV00104Item Kit Master
 IV00105Item Currency Master
 IV00106Item Purchasing
 IV00107Item Price List Options
 IV00108Item Price List
 IV00109Item Serial Number Mask
 IV00110Planner Master
 IV00111Site Defaults
 IV00112Item Site Bin Master
 IV00113Item Price List Details
 IV00114Inactive Items
 IV00115Multiple Manufacture Items Master
 IV00116Item Project Phase Options
 IV00117Item Site Bin Priorities
 IV00118Item Cost Change History
 IV00200Item Serial Number Master
IV00300Item Lot Number Master
 IV00301Item Lot Attribute Master

This file is used to store the lot attribute values for those line items that are tracking lot numbers and are set to track the attributes for the lot numbers. In order for Inventory items to track lot attributes, the item must be assigned a lot category value in the Lot Type field on the item's master record in the IV_Item_MSTR file. For an item tracking lot attributes, a record is added to the IV_Lot_Attributes file during transaction entry if a record does not exist for the item number/lot number combination being processed.

For items which are tracking lot numbers and are also tracking lot attributes, processing for the IV_Lot_Attributes file is needed.

For an increase line item entry, a lot attribute record needs to be added if one does not already exist for the item number / lot number combination being processed. If a new lot attribute record is added, then the 'Record Status' field is set to 0 and the 'In Use Count' field is set to 1. If a record already exists in the IV_Lot_Attributes file, then the 'In Use Count' field on this record needs to be incremented by 1.

For a decrease or transfer line item entry, if a lot number is added on-the-fly, then a lot attribute record needs to be added if one does not already exist. If a new lot attribute record is added, then the Record Status field is set to 2 and the 'In Use Count' field is set to 1. If a record already exists in the IV_Lot_Attributes file, then the 'In Use Count' field on this record needs to be incremented by 1.

 Display Name
 BM10200Assembly Transaction

Contains assembly transaction header information.

 BM10300Assembly Component

Contains assembly transaction component information.

 BM10400Assembly Serial Lot
Contains serial/lot number information associated with assembly transaction components.

IV10000Inventory Transaction Work

This file is used to store the general transaction header information for Inventory transactions. These transactions are entered using the transaction entry forms IV_Transaction_Entry and IV_Transfer_Entry. Line items for transactions are stored in the IV_TRX_WORK_LINE file. If the transaction is assigned to a recurring batch, the transaction will remain in the IV_TRX_WORK_HDR file after posting occurs. If it is assigned to a single-use batch, the transaction will be deleted after posting.

IV10001Inventory Transaction Amounts Work

This file is used to store the line items for transactions in the IV_TRX_WORK_HDR file. The line items are Inventory items which exist in the IV_Item_MSTR file. The line items for a transaction are linked back to the transaction header information in the IV_TRX_WORK_HDR file by the values in the IV Document Type and IV Document Number fields. If the line item is tracking serial numbers or lot numbers, then the item will have associated records in the IV_TRX_WORK_Serial_Lot file.

For decrease and transfer line item entries, the quantities for the items must be allocated when the item is added to a transaction. This is done by updating the appropriate field on the proper records for the item in the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file. The field which is updated on these records is dependent on whether the line item is on a decrease or transfer transaction; in the transfer transaction case, it is also dependent on the quantity type being used. When allocating the line item, Optimistic Concurrency Control record locking is used.

For the decrease transaction case, the following steps are done:

1) The item's site-specific record is accessed in the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file. This is done by reading this file by Key 1 with the Record Type set to 2 and field Location Code set to the site value on the line item entry.

2) The QTY Allocated field is set to QTY Allocated - This was changed to subtract, because the line items qty is a negative amount. Therefore to increase the allocated amount, the negative line item qty amount is subtracted from line item's extended quantity, where the extended quantity = (QTY In Base U Of M * TRX QTY) rounded by the Decimal Places QTYS on the item's master record.

3) This same field (QTY Allocated) is updated on the item's overall quantity record. This is done by reading the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file by Key 1 with Record Type set to 1 and Location Code empty.

For the transfer transaction case, similar steps are taken as above. The field being updated is determined by the quantity type which the item is being transferred from:

1) The item's site-specific record is accessed in the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file. This is done by reading this file by Key 1 with Record Type set to 2 and Location Code set to the site value on the line item entry.

2) Based on the quantity type being transferred from, indicated by the Transfer From QTY Type field of the line item record, the appropriate field is updated:

On Hand = QTY Allocated field is set to QTY Allocated + line item's extended quantity.
Returned = QTY Returned is set to QTY Returned - line item's extended quantity.
In Use = QTY In Use is set to QTY In Use - line item's extended quantity.
In Service = QTY In Service is set to QTY In Service - line item's extended quantity.
Damaged = QTY Damaged is set to QTY Damaged - line item's extended quantity.

3) This same field is updated on the item's overall quantity record. This is done by reading the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file by Key 1 with Record Type set to 1 and Location Code empty.

If the line item being allocated is tracking serial numbers or lot numbers, then the individual serial or lot numbers must be allocated also. This is described below for the IV_TRX_WORK_Serial_Lot file.

 IV10002Inventory Serial and Lot Number Work

File: IV_TRX_WORK_Serial_Lot

This file is used to store serial numbers and lot numbers for line items on Inventory transactions. The line items must be Inventory items which are set to track serial numbers or lot numbers. A single record in this file is used to store one serial number or one lot number. The records in this file for a line item are linked back to the line item's record in the IV_TRX_WORK_LINE file by the values in the IV Document Type, IV Document Number, and Line SEQ Number fields.

For items which are tracking serial numbers or lot numbers, there must be sufficient numbers of serial or lot numbers selected to equal the extended quantity for the line item. In the case of serial numbers, this means that the number of serial numbers entered must equal the extended quantity. In the case of lot numbers, this means that the total of the quantities for the selected lot numbers, not the actual number of lot numbers, must equal the extended quantity for the line item. When allocating the serial number and lot number records, Optimistic Concurrency Control record locking is used.

Serial Numbers
For increase line item entries, the serial numbers entered must be unique across the IV_Serial_MSTR and IV_TRX_WORK_Serial_Lot files for the item being processed. Checking for duplicate serial numbers in the IV_Serial_MSTR file is done by using Key 3, and in the IV_TRX_WORK_Serial_Lot it is done by using Key 2.

For decrease line item entries, the serial numbers must either exist in the IV_Serial_MSTR file at the line item site and not be marked as sold, or the serial numbers need to be added on-the-fly. The number of existing serial numbers which can be selected from the IV_Serial_MSTR file can be no greater than the quantity available for the item, where quantity available = QTY On Hand - QTY Allocated. If the serial number exists in the IV_Serial_MSTR file and is not marked as sold, the following steps are performed to allocate the serial number:

1) Access the serial number record by reading file IV_Serial_MSTR by Key 3.
2) Set field Serial Number Sold = True

For serial numbers which are added on-the-fly for decrease line item entries, the following steps are performed:

1) Serial number is added to the IV_Serial_MSTR file with the following field values:

Item Number - Line item number.
Location Code - Site for line item.
Date Received - Current user date.
Date SEQ Number - Set to 1 greater than the sequence number assigned to the last serial number for the item at the site and date received in the IV_Serial_MSTR file.
Serial Number - Serial number being added.
Finished Good Item Number - Blank.
Finished Good Serial Number - Blank.
Unit Cost - Current cost on item's master record.
Receipt SEQ Number - 0
Vendor Number - Blank.
Component Of Finished Good - False.
Serial Number Sold - True.
Bin – If Mulit-Bin is registered and enabled, this field will store the Bin.

2) The QTY On Hand and QTY Allocated fields are incremented by 1 on the item's site specific and overall quantity records in the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file.

For transfer line item entries, the allocating of the serial numbers is similar to the decrease case where the serial numbers must either exist in the IV_Serial_MSTR file at the line item site and not be marked as sold, or the serial numbers need to be added on-the-fly. The number of existing serial numbers which can be selected from the IV_Serial_MSTR file can be no greater than the quantity available for the item, where the quantity available is dependent on the quantity type which the item is being transferred from. Based on the Transfer From QTY Type field the quantity available is:

On Hand = QTY On Hand - QTY Allocated
Returned = QTY Returned
In Use = QTY In Use
In Service = QTY In Service
Damaged = QTY Damaged

The processing for allocating serial numbers and adding serial numbers on-the-fly is the same as listed above for decrease line item entries. For entries added on-the-fly, the QTY On Hand and QTY Allocated fields are updated only if the quantity type being transferred from is On Hand.

If the item is tracking lot attributes for the lot numbers, then additional processing for the lot attributes record is needed. This processing is described below for the IV_Lot_Attributes file.

Lot Numbers
The processing of lot numbers is similar to the serial number processing with the exception that a lot number has a quantity associated with it while a serial number does not, a lot can also record an associated Manufacture Date and Expiration Date for each increase transaction. For increase line item entries, the lot numbers do not have to be unique across the IV_Lot_MSTR and IV_TRX_WORK_Serial_Lot files.

For decrease line item entries, the lot numbers must either exist in the IV_Lot_MSTR file at the line item site and have a quantity available which is greater than or equal to the quantity entered for the lot numbers, or the lot numbers need to be added on-the-fly. The total of the quantities for the lot numbers which can be selected from the IV_Lot_MSTR file can be no greater than the quantity available for the item. If the lot number exists in the IV_Lot_MSTR file, and has sufficient quantity available then the following steps are performed to allocate the quantity:

1) Access the lot number record by reading file IV_Lot_MSTR by Key 3 using values for the Date Received and Date SEQ Number fields from the line item transaction record.
2) Set QTY Allocated to QTY Allocated + quantity entered for the lot number.
3) If the QTY Received = QTY Allocated + QTY Sold for the lot master record, set Lot Number Sold to true.

For lot numbers which are added on-the-fly for decrease line item entries, the following steps are performed:

1) Lot number is added to the IV_Lot_MSTR file with the following field values:

Item Number - Line item number.
Location Code - Site for line item.
Date Received - Current user date.
Date SEQ Number - Set to 1 greater than the sequence number assigned to the last lot number for the item at the site and date received in the IV_Lot_MSTR file.
Lot Number - Lot number being added.
QTY Received - Quantity entered for lot number
QTY Sold - 0
QTY Allocated - Quantity entered for lot number
Unit Cost - Current cost on item's master record.
Receipt SEQ Number - 0
Vendor Number - Blank.
Lot Number Sold – True
Bin – If Mulit-Bin is registered and enabled, this field will store the Bin.

2) The QTY On Hand and QTY Allocated fields are incremented by the lot number quantity on the item's site-specific and overall quantity records in the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file.

For transfer line item entries, the allocating of the lot numbers is similar to the decrease case where the lot numbers must either exist in the IV_Lot_MSTR file at the line item site and have an available quantity or the lot numbers need to be added on-the-fly. The total of the quantities for the lot numbers which can be selected from the IV_Lot_MSTR file can be no greater than the quantity available for the item, where the quantity available is dependent on the quantity type which the item is being transferred from. Determining the quantity available is done using the same method listed above for transfer serial numbers.

 IV10003Inventory Transaction Bin Quantities Work

This file is used to store bin information for line items on Inventory transactions. The line items must be for Inventory item. A single record in this file is used to store information for one bin number. The records in this file for a line item are linked back to the line item's record in the IV_TRX_WORK_LINE file by the values in the IV Document Type, IV Document Number, and Line SEQ Number fields.

In SBM, this table is not available. SBM does not use multiple bin functionality.

 IV10004Inventory Bin Quantity Transfer
 IV10200Inventory Purchase Receipts Work
 IV10201Inventory Purchase Receipts Detail
 IV10300Stock Count
 IV10301Stock Count Line
 IV10302Stock Count Serial Lot
 IV10303Stock Count U of M
 IV10400Extended Pricing Price Group Work
 IV10401Extended Pricing Price Sheet Work
 IV10402Extended Pricing Price Sheet UofM Work
 IV10403Extended Pricing Promotion Free Item
Work Tables
 Display Name
 BM30100Assembly Batch History
 BM30200Assembly Transaction History
 BM30300Assembly Component History
 BM30400Assembly Serial Lot History
 IV30100Inventory Transaction Batch History
 IV30101Inventory Sales Summary History
 IV30102Inventory Sales Summary Period History
IV30200Inventory Transaction History
IV30300Inventory Transaction Amounts History
 IV30301Inventory Transaction Detail History
 IV30302Inventory Transaction Bin Quantities History
 IV30400Item Serial and Lot Number History
 IV30500Inventory Distribution History
 IV30600Item Lot Attribute History
 IV30700Stock Count History
 IV30701Stock Count Line History
 IV30702Stock Count Serial Lot History
 Display Name
 BM40100Bill of Materials Setup
 IV40100Inventory Control Setup
IV40201Inventory U of M Schedule Setup
IV40202Inventory U of M Schedule Detail Setup
 IV40400Item Class Setup
 IV40401Item Class Currency Setup
 IV40500Item Lot Category Setup
 IV40600Item Category Setup
 IV40700Site Setup
 IV40701Site Bin Master
 IV40702Site Intrastat Setup
 IV40800Price Level Setup
 IV40900Price Group Master
 IV41000Stock Calendar
 IV41001Stock Calendar Exception Days
 IV41100Inventory Landed Cost
 IV41101Inventory Landed Cost Group
 IV41102Inventory Landed Cost Group Details
 IV50200Stock Count Assignment Temp
 IV50300ABC Analysis Temp
 IV70500Inventory Report Options
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