

I am running the latest GP version. In GP's VB editor, if I added validation to a field by checking its value against conditions for data in other tables, I would use UserInfoGet.CreateADOConnection to create a connection to query the SQL server.  Since that VB code doesn't work on Windows Server 2019 and after, I have decided to code the validation for the field in using Visual Studio 2022.  I have added the GP tools to VS, created a GP project, added GPConn, GPConnNet, and Dynamics.ModifiedForms to the Project, coded Imports for GPConn and Microsoft.Dexterity. GPConnection.  I need a way to pass the user's credentials to create a data connection in, as UserInfoGet is not recognized in with the references I have installed.  I don't want to have to hard code sa credentials in the script or call an ODBC connection (that uses sa credentials) to run a simple query.

Could someone show a good way with to pass the active GP user credentials to a data connection so I can run a SQL query?  If not, should I use C#, and what would the options be there?

Thank you.

I am fairly new to GP and would like to know the specific eConnect node that should be utilized for importing AP Manual Payment data.


Do you know of a way to import payables payment transactions to be applied to posted invoices?

Thank you!


I am running GP on a 2022 Windows server and publish it to users as a RemoteApp.  That RDP server is set to reboot every weeknight in the early morning.  Sometimes users won't close out GP before they shut their laptops and go home for the night.  I am looking for a way to force the close of open GP RemoteApp sessions that logs the user out of GP properly, so that a license is not held hostage by the user's forgetfulness.  I had written a powershell script to run as a Scheduled Task on the RDP server that would look for open RemoteApp sessions that had the Dynamics process running.  It would call focus to the main Dynamics window and use SendKeys to run a logout and close macro.  However, RemoteApps doesn't allow the AppActivate method to set focus and doesn't allow the Win32 ShowWindowAsync and SetForegroundWindow methods to pull the needed MainWindowTitle or MainWindowHandle properties to set focus.

I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall.  Is there any good way to properly close GP out in a RemoteApp session?  I really like RemoteApps and don't want to have to send users back to the full Remote Desktop experience to use GP, but users forgetting to close out properly is causing problems.

Any help is appreciated!

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Olympic Tables