frust23 11/1/2023 2:17:15 PM

Trying to create a db connection in using active GP user credentials

I am running the latest GP version. In GP's VB editor, if I added validation to a field by checking its value against conditions for data in other tables, I would use UserInfoGet.CreateADOConnection to create a connection to query the SQL server.  Since that VB code doesn't work on Windows Server 2019 and after, I have decided to code the validation for the field in using Visual Studio 2022.  I have added the GP tools to VS, created a GP project, added GPConn, GPConnNet, and Dynamics.ModifiedForms to the Project, coded Imports for GPConn and Microsoft.Dexterity. GPConnection.  I need a way to pass the user's credentials to create a data connection in, as UserInfoGet is not recognized in with the references I have installed.  I don't want to have to hard code sa credentials in the script or call an ODBC connection (that uses sa credentials) to run a simple query.

Could someone show a good way with to pass the active GP user credentials to a data connection so I can run a SQL query?  If not, should I use C#, and what would the options be there?

Thank you.

Version: All
Section: .NET Development, Dynamics GP, Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP

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