

What's New in GP 2015:  Copy User & Home Page Settings

This article discusses saving time on user setup by learning a more efficient way to add new users to GP 2015.

What's New In GP2015 

Management Reporter integration must be enabled in each GP company before integrating that company into MR in the Configuration Console. This article contains instructions on how to do this.

Getting the error:

The communication object, System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state?

It's a simple fix

This is a pretty basic task, but it's useful to be able to send a link to someone that illustrates a task. BTW, are you using the 'Go Viral' functionality? It allows you to create a link to an article that you can send to anyone that you want, it allows non-members to see article content.


EXEC sopTrxDeleteWork @SopType, @SopNumber, @MstrNumber, @iErrorState

I found this today in a Profiler session, it looks like it will delete a SOP document from the Work tables. I've nothing more than that... I'll research a little later on.


exec DYNAMICS.[dbo].[smGetNextNoteIndex] @I_sCompanyID, 1, @O_mNoteIndex output, @O_iErrorState output

Again, note much of an explanation along with this, I'm just blogging this stored procedure call so I don't lose it.

This article describes using the Report Writer built in RW_GetNoteText function to add notes to a report


I need dynamics to import everything as line items and not batch together on the General Ledger.


In the company I work gp10.0 and we have the problem with the calculation of tax, here in panama is 7%. When does the calculations always fails for one or two cents; This is something that can be fixed?
Agradesco any help on this topic, thanks.
Does anyone know if there a way to upload vendor eft information?

This is logged into GP as sa but receiving error on reporting services- another user is getting blank data- is this SSRS permissions?  I just attempted to give the consultant login reporting mgr power user in SQL but no change…..




What does service based architecture really mean? I see that term everywhere now, but they don't explain it.

Hola, a todos..

requiero cerrar por comando sql y trasladar mediante comando sql las ordenes de compras anteriores a 2013 a las tablas históricas.

Muchas de estas ordenes se han quedado por olvido y hacerlo una por una es muy oneroso en tiempo.

Si alguien puede ayudarme con la consulta sql para tal fin. 

personalmente se como cerrarlas con consulta sql.

pero no trasladarlas a las tablas históricas.

Saludos y gracias por su colaboración.


I need a SQL command to close Purchase Orders prior to 2013 and move them to historical tables.

Many of these orders been forgotten and do it one by one is very costly in time.

If anyone can help me with the query SQL to do so.

personally be as close with sql query but not transfer to historical tables.

Greetings and thanks for your help.



Is there any utility(s) to merge more than one customer code to a new single code?

A. Bham


I'm trying to directly use the seepmHATBWrapper to create a PM Historical Aged Trial Balance that can be run either in Crystal or Excel. My client doesn't want to use SSRS.  I was able to use the AR HATB proc fine.  I tried to use this code (below) and got the message "Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referenceing object in tempdb."  No results but an empty recordset.  Code is here.  Any ideas?

DECLARE @I_dAgingDate datetime = '12/31/2014'
DECLARE @I_cStartVendorID char(15) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndVendorID char(15) = 'zzzzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartVendorName char(65) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndVendorName char(65) = 'zzzzzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartClassID char(15) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndClassID char(15) = 'zzzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartUserDefined char(15) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndUserDefined char(15) = 'zzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartPaymentPriority char(3) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndPaymentPriority char(3) = 'zzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartDocumentNumber char(21) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndDocumentNumber char(21) = 'zzzzzzz'
DECLARE @I_tUsingDocumentDate tinyint = 0
DECLARE @I_dStartDate datetime = '1/1/1900'
DECLARE @I_dEndDate datetime = '12/31/9999'
DECLARE @I_tExcludeNoActivity tinyint = 1
DECLARE @I_tExcludeMultiCurrency tinyint = 0
DECLARE @I_tExcludeZeroBalanceVendors tinyint = 1
DECLARE @I_tExcludeFullyPaidTrxs tinyint = 0
DECLARE @I_tExcludeCreditBalance tinyint = 0
DECLARE @I_tExcludeUnpostedAppldCrDocs tinyint = 0

-- TODO: Set parameter values here.

EXECUTE @RC = [seepmHATBWrapper] 


Hola, saludos a todos.

GP10.0 ha dejado de calcular el impuesto en la pantalla de ordenes de compra y recepciones de compra.

¿alguien podría recomendarme como solucionarlo?


Hello, greetings to all.

GP10.0 has ceased to calculate the tax on the screen of purchase orders and receipts of purchase.

Could someone recommend me how to fix it?

In the last few days we have had random GP users get the following error when opening the customer maintenance windows:

"You do not have access to open this window."

This seems to fix itself if the user logs out and back in again.

Nothing has changed in the security setup, and all the users are essentially setup the same.

We are using GP 2010 SP1.

Any thoughts on what could be causing this?

Cuando utilizo "SOPTrans.taSopHdrIvcInsert" a que tabla de gp se dirige la información, 

a la de trabajo o la Historica?

When using the SOPTrans.taSopHdrIvcInsert procedure, what table does GP use, Work or History?

¿Qué tablas en gp10.0 relacionan las los documentos de ventas con las cuentas contables?

What the tables in gp10.0 related documents sales with accounting accounts?

Table Definition Quick Links
All Tables
SOP Tables
RM Tables
GL Tables
POP Tables
HR Tables
PM Tables
UPR Tables
IV Tables
Olympic Tables