mark4yesu 2/18/2015 12:17:39 PM

PM Historical Aged Trial Balance - using seepmHATBWrapper


I'm trying to directly use the seepmHATBWrapper to create a PM Historical Aged Trial Balance that can be run either in Crystal or Excel. My client doesn't want to use SSRS.  I was able to use the AR HATB proc fine.  I tried to use this code (below) and got the message "Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referenceing object in tempdb."  No results but an empty recordset.  Code is here.  Any ideas?

DECLARE @I_dAgingDate datetime = '12/31/2014'
DECLARE @I_cStartVendorID char(15) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndVendorID char(15) = 'zzzzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartVendorName char(65) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndVendorName char(65) = 'zzzzzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartClassID char(15) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndClassID char(15) = 'zzzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartUserDefined char(15) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndUserDefined char(15) = 'zzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartPaymentPriority char(3) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndPaymentPriority char(3) = 'zzz'
DECLARE @I_cStartDocumentNumber char(21) = '0'
DECLARE @I_cEndDocumentNumber char(21) = 'zzzzzzz'
DECLARE @I_tUsingDocumentDate tinyint = 0
DECLARE @I_dStartDate datetime = '1/1/1900'
DECLARE @I_dEndDate datetime = '12/31/9999'
DECLARE @I_tExcludeNoActivity tinyint = 1
DECLARE @I_tExcludeMultiCurrency tinyint = 0
DECLARE @I_tExcludeZeroBalanceVendors tinyint = 1
DECLARE @I_tExcludeFullyPaidTrxs tinyint = 0
DECLARE @I_tExcludeCreditBalance tinyint = 0
DECLARE @I_tExcludeUnpostedAppldCrDocs tinyint = 0

-- TODO: Set parameter values here.

EXECUTE @RC = [seepmHATBWrapper] 


Version: GP 2010
Section: Dynamics GP, SQL Scripts

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