

I just completed an upgrade of a VS Tools modification from GP 2010 to GP 2013, and I thought I'd write down the steps in case anyone was having any difficulty. All in all, not to hard.


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Hi ,

I am looking to get the following fields in my SmartList for Posted GL Transactions

Batch Number

APPROVL   (Approval)  

APPRVLDT  (Approval Date

APRVLUSERID  (Batch Approved By)


I know system stores this information in SY00500 when batch is in unposted status but it is removed a soon as the batch is posted

I will like to know what table(s) this information is stored in after the Batch is posted

Any help is greatly appreciated





Hi Everyone,

I am trying to create a SmartConnect Map that will include the next sequential payment number from the database and map it to the Payment Number on the Payables Cash Entry.   For instance if I were to enter the information manually, the screen would auto populate the next payment number


Can someone tell me what table holds the next payment number that gets populated into this field?






I modified the report POP Purchase Order Black Report 
I modified this report and  save 
but  when i print this report not apply the changes

what can i do?? 


I've recently upgraded from GP 10 to GP 2010 and my VS Tools app is giving me this:

MyAddin.dll: Unable to cast object of type 'MyAddin.GPAddin' to type 'Microsoft.Dexterity.Bridge.IDexterityAddin'.

sorry but i new user in GP 

i have a cuestion (sorry with my english but a speak only spanish and i try to write my questions)

i have one one Purchase order when i try to work this one messages appears :::

"You can not open this purchase order until you save on a lot of shopping. Selections another purchase order"

How can i put a lot of shopping

when i try to insert a header of deposit  i have this error :

The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK__CM10100__DEPDATE__04E4BC85". The conflict occurred in database "xxx", table "dbo.CM10100", column 'DEPDATE'.
The statement has been terminated.


before the format of the date in my data  table is 'yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00.000' but somethig change and now the format of is   'yyyy-MM-dd'

have hours minutes seconds an miliseconds and now this error appears what its the correct format

Edit 9/16/15 View the main article for this error here 

I am having to insert a PM Transaction with sales taxes using eConnect 2010.  This is a modification to an existing AP Invoice import--I just need to add the sales taxes.

I have created a tax detail ID with 0% rate, and am able to manually enter transactions with various sales tax amounts using the tax ID.

When I attempt to import a PM transaction with taPMTransactionTaxInsert, I get:

Edit 9/16/15 View the main article for this error here 

Error Number = 313  Stored Procedure= taPMTransactionInsert  Error Description = Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount

 This error is triggered by the taPMTransactionInsert proc using the following code.  I have traced the taPMTransactionTaxInsert procedure, and far as I can tell, the PM10500 record is being written properly, so when taPMTransactionInsert queries PM10500, the data should match the XML values I'm sending in for the header.

Edit 9/16/15 View the main article for this error here 

Do I have something wrong in the transaction header?



    select @TAXAMNT = isnull(sum(TAXAMNT), 0.00)
          from   PM10500 (nolock)
          where  DOCTYPE = @I_vDOCTYPE
                 and VCHRNMBR = @I_vVCHNUMWK
                 and BKOUTTAX <> 1
          if ( @TAXAMNT <> @I_vTAXAMNT )
                select @O_iErrorState = 313
                exec @iStatus = taUpdateString
                  @oErrString output,
                  @O_oErrorState output


<eConnect xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">
    <eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil=\"true\" />
    <taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil=\"true\" />
    <taUpdateCreateVendorRcd xsi:nil=\"true\" />
    <taCreateVendorAddress_Items xsi:nil=\"true\" />
        <VCHRNMBR>11</VCHRNMBR>    <---- My bug!
        <DistRef>test interface modification</DistRef>
        <DistRef>test interface modification</DistRef>
        <DistRef>test interface modification</DistRef>
    <taAnalyticsDistribution_Items xsi:nil=\"true\" />
      <TRXDSCRN>IN10601: test interface modification</TRXDSCRN>
    <taMdaUpdate_Items xsi:nil=\"true\" />

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