sendow 6/21/2013 1:56:39 PM

taPMTransactionInsert Error 313: Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount

Edit 9/16/15 View the main article for this error here 

I am having to insert a PM Transaction with sales taxes using eConnect 2010.  This is a modification to an existing AP Invoice import--I just need to add the sales taxes.

I have created a tax detail ID with 0% rate, and am able to manually enter transactions with various sales tax amounts using the tax ID.

When I attempt to import a PM transaction with taPMTransactionTaxInsert, I get:

Edit 9/16/15 View the main article for this error here 

Error Number = 313  Stored Procedure= taPMTransactionInsert  Error Description = Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount

 This error is triggered by the taPMTransactionInsert proc using the following code.  I have traced the taPMTransactionTaxInsert procedure, and far as I can tell, the PM10500 record is being written properly, so when taPMTransactionInsert queries PM10500, the data should match the XML values I'm sending in for the header.

Edit 9/16/15 View the main article for this error here 

Do I have something wrong in the transaction header?



    select @TAXAMNT = isnull(sum(TAXAMNT), 0.00)
          from   PM10500 (nolock)
          where  DOCTYPE = @I_vDOCTYPE
                 and VCHRNMBR = @I_vVCHNUMWK
                 and BKOUTTAX <> 1
          if ( @TAXAMNT <> @I_vTAXAMNT )
                select @O_iErrorState = 313
                exec @iStatus = taUpdateString
                  @oErrString output,
                  @O_oErrorState output


<eConnect xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">
    <eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil=\"true\" />
    <taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil=\"true\" />
    <taUpdateCreateVendorRcd xsi:nil=\"true\" />
    <taCreateVendorAddress_Items xsi:nil=\"true\" />
        <VCHRNMBR>11</VCHRNMBR>    <---- My bug!
        <DistRef>test interface modification</DistRef>
        <DistRef>test interface modification</DistRef>
        <DistRef>test interface modification</DistRef>
    <taAnalyticsDistribution_Items xsi:nil=\"true\" />
      <TRXDSCRN>IN10601: test interface modification</TRXDSCRN>
    <taMdaUpdate_Items xsi:nil=\"true\" />

Version: GP 2010
Section: eConnect

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