

This is a view of all open Payables documents with links to POP receipts and POs where available. 

Since there can be more than one Receipt and/or PO for a voucher, we've provided them in a comma separated list. 

The code makes use of two different functions ddf_CommaSeparatedPOs and ddf_CommaSeparatedReceipts

This is a function that returns the Receipts that are associated with a Payables document. 

The use of the function is demonstrated here


This is a function that returns the POs that are associated with a Payables document. 

The use of the function is demonstrated here

For a given VendorID and DOCNUMBR (normally from PM2000 or PM30200), return all the associated POs in comma separated format
For a given VendorID and DOCNUMBR (normally from PM2000 or PM30200), return all the associated Receipts in comma separated format

The requirement from the client was to get all payables documents, and link to receivers and POs where we could. The also wanted all the debit distributions. 

When including dists, you nave to understand that you'll get more than one line for each invoice at times. 

This view requires 4 helper functions:






This is a piece of code that will generate a field list for a table. I know there are lots of other ways to do this... but this generates the list exactly the way that I want it (for writing inserts, selects...). For one query I won't bother, but for two or three it's quicker for me. 
This is a script that will move recurring GL batches from TEST to LIVE

I had a client ask why some employees could open the Note in the Vendor Card and others could not.

Dynamics 2016 has an object called Dynamics.Forms.SyVisualStudioHelper

I don't know a lot about it, but I can see that it allows you to pop up a message box. 

The kicker is that this message box works in the web client, too


Sometimes we allow a grid to be filtered, and we want to report off of the filtered data. The grid might also be grouped and sorted which adds a complication. 

The code below is a template to use when you want to create a datatable from a filtered radgrid.

I am testing an integration with a 3rd party system and a bug created the same invoice for 5 days in a row.  I can get the list of SOP Document Numbers via SQL but was wondering what the best method is to delete these invoices.



Can please let me know the tables for the functional currency, and the values, I took a look to MC40200 and MC400000 and have same values but the budget a commitment are gone, also can you please let me know know where are the commitment transactions... maybe is a blank field or the check link did soemthing. thank you

Our SOP history table has 10 years worth of history in it. We want to remove this history and keep only 3 years of history. How do we do this?

Also after removing from history, what happens to the data? Is it lost permanently? How do we save the data in case some one wants to refer to it at a later stage?

I am currently looking into passing data to GP via eConnect to allow for InterCompany Invoices.  Invoices seem to allow this, but am having a bit of trouble finding any references on how to integrate with eConnect.

Any insight would be a greatly appreciated.  



Tengo unas tablas creadas por mi, en la misma base de datos de GP, en SQL server. Necesito hacer un Smartlist de estas tablas, pero las mismas no aparecen en la lista del Generador de Smarlist. entiendo que esto se debe a que no son tablas propias de GP.

¿Existe algún procedimiento almacenado o código que me permita hacer que sean reconocidas por el  generador de smarList?


I have some tables created by me, in the same GP database, in SQL server. I need to make a Smartlist of these tables, but they do not appear in the Smarlist Generator list. I understand that this is because they are not GP own tables.
Is there any stored procedure or code that allows me to make them recognized by the smarList generator?

Is there a way to track when certain fields are updated on a table  (specifically Vendor)?

I have a GP business alert that monitors when a vendor has been added or modified (looking at the date), but not sure about the individual fields on the record.



Hi all,

Actual questions in bold.  My vp wants a better solution to putting scanned invoices into the system.   currently, they get the invoice, get up, go scan, get the email from the copier, take the pdf out and place into a directory somewhere, attach to notes in GP, and hope nothing got missed along the way (especially from our Africa and Mexico offices)

so I wrote a quick little app that will handle the scanning and attaching, eliminating a few steps.  my app does scan, allows naming right there.  my next step is getting it into gp based on the vendor or  invoice number. 

the tables are CO001xx and CO40100(setup).   However, as I looked at the setup windows for attachments: Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> Company >> Document Attachment Setup, I see that nothing is filled out in this form.   so does that mean we are only using the old style OLE attachments?

I was talking to my boss (not knowing of the new attach system), that the only way for my scanner app to be of real use is to launch my app from within GP, grab a command-line argument, and do the work......BUT.....reading this article,, it says that the new attachments already support WIA scanners.

I guess I was chasing my tail for a week or so writing a scanning app that didn't need to be written?

Next question, if using the blob way (new way), where does the blob get stored?




We have about 150 accounts with Parent / Child relationship (Customer | National Accounts).

Can Integration Manager be mapped to Parent Customer ID? I do not see it as an option in the IM

We are on GP2013 R2


Paul Chacko

Hi, my client is just setting up the ACH payments and they have around 80 vendors. They are looking for a way to integrated the ABA/Routing number, Bank Names & Account numbers into Great Plains using the integration manager but I do not see an option under the vendors.

Is there a way I can integrate vendors into GP with bank routing number & account number?

The version is 2013 R2


Paul Chacko

Table Definition Quick Links
All Tables
SOP Tables
RM Tables
GL Tables
POP Tables
HR Tables
PM Tables
UPR Tables
IV Tables
Olympic Tables