dwatkins 8/23/2012 10:51:15 AM

eConnect > Projects > Billing Currency

Hi Everyone,

I'm using eConnect to create a Project within GP, but having a problem getting it to set-up correctly.

This creates a record within the correct table and all looks good, apart from the Billing Currency ID details, which while correct hasn't pulled through the correct currency conversion multiplier to create a valid record within PA01202.

I found the following details on this table >> http://dyndeveloper.com/DynColumn.aspx?ModuleID=PA&TableName=PA01202 << and that page says that the Project status should be Open. If I try and add the project with PASTAT (status) as Open I get an error from eConnect.

"Invalid Status (PASTAT<>4) Acceptable values for creating a new project is 4=Estimate"

So, my question is - how can I get the correct details loaded in to PA01202 ?

David Watkins

Version: GP 10
Section: .NET Development, Dynamics GP, eConnect

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