I am creating an item using eConnect by assigining ItemClassID (ItemClassID has proper accounts are assigned).
even in this case my Inventory account is not getting updated.
I am using <taUpdateCreateItemRcd> to create an item, <ITMCLSCD>GOODS</ITMCLSCD> for classid also I am using <USEITEMCLASS>1</USEITEMCLASS>.
Note: If I edit the class and assign same classid again then it shows me two popups as follows
1. Do you want to update the item with information from class GOODS?
[Yes] [No] [Cancel]
2. Do you want to update the item posting accoounts and overhead defaults with costing information from class GOODS?
[Yes] [No]
If I click [Yes] in both the above cases and follow my procedure of filing PO, receiving PO and finally Purchasing Batches then inventory account adds the currosponding value - I want to do the same using eConnect.
Please help me out....
Thanks in advance.
~ Amol