btamulis 9/27/2023 11:45:34 AM

SQL Latest Collection Note

Greetings I need to SQL Query the CN00100 Table (Collection Module - Notes) and find the latest date that a customer note has been created.

This query works (kind of) 

from CN00100 CN
where CN.DATE1 = (select max(CN2.DATE1) 
                     from CN00100 CN2 
                     where CN.CUSTNMBR = CN2.CUSTNMBR

the issue is if the customer has multiple notes on the same day - query returns multiple rows (I only want one row).

How would I incorporate a TOP 1 or do I use DEX_ROW_ID instead of DATE1? Your thoughts?

Here's a sample of the dataset. YGLPR93752 has 3 notes on May 15th - I want a single row returned instead of three rows. 



Version: All
Section: Dynamics GP, SQL Scripts

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