btamulis 6/22/2022 11:08:39 AM

SQL Date question

Okay - I have a report that automatically runs every Monday. The dataset is all Invoices from the previous Saturday (9 days ago)  thru last Friday (3 days ago).

it's only accurate on Monday because I am using the Get Date minus days formula.


'APFM' Company, 
B.USERDEF2 YGLMasterNumber, A.CUSTNMBR as GPCustId, A.CUSTNAME as CustomerName,
Case when A.SOPTYPE='3' then 'Invoice'
when A.SOPTYPE='4' then 'Return' else 'NA' end as Type,
B.CPRCSTNM as ParentID, 
A.SOPNUMBE DocNumber, 
CAST(A.DOCDATE as Date) DocDate,
'Posted' Status
from APFM.dbo.SOP30200 A
left outer join APFM.dbo.RM00101 B
where DOCDATE  BETWEEN dateadd(day, -9, cast(GETDATE() as date)) AND dateadd(day, -3, cast(GETDATE() as date))
AND B.USERDEF2 in ('167','7885','890','9834','1440954','17','157351') and A.SOPTYPE in ('3','4')

My question is - Can I change the following where clause to work based on days - Basically last saturday to last friday regardless of what day of week I run it? 

"where DOCDATE  BETWEEN dateadd(day, -9, cast(GETDATE() as date)) AND dateadd(day, -3, cast(GETDATE() as date))"

Any guidance would be appreciated.........I researched it and could not find a way to do it in a where clause. Everything seemed to suggest using stored procedure - declaring a variable etc.


Version: All
Section: Dynamics GP, SQL for Beginners, SQL Scripts

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