AMStewartQ 11/10/2020 10:50:48 AM

GP Aging Procedure

I'm trying to automate the aging process, using code in the knowledgebase article 2901.  Does anyone know the available parameters?  Some are obvious, but I want to make sure I understand them all.

I believe the first one is balance type so I assume 0 is for "All."  The second is starting customer ID, third is ending customer ID and the fourth is the aging date.  The fifth appears to be Aging Cycle, but what is the significance of the value 127?  I've seen other examples using 16, so I'm not sure.  The sixth value is apparently Age Finance Charges so I assume 0 would be a no value.  The seventh looks to have something to do with Custom Range, but I don't know the significance of the value.  Does 0 mean "All?"

I'm trying to simulate the vales as indicated in the GP screenshot below, so if anyone knows the values I should use for Statement Cycle and Custom Range I would appreciate the help.

DECLARE @O_iErrorState int, @I_dAgingDate datetime
select @I_dAgingDate = convert(varchar(10), GetDate(), 102)
EXEC dbo.rmAgeCustomer 0, '', 'þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ', @I_dAgingDate, 127, 0, 0, '', @O_iErrorState OUT
SELECT @O_iErrorState



Version: GP 2015
Section: Dynamics GP, SQL Scripts

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