euta226 7/23/2020 2:13:22 PM

SOP to POP Dropship Comments Not Matching

I'm trying to determine how and where GP is making this mistake.  Our users are entering sales orders for drop ships.  In the sales order, they are entering the manufacturer part number that corresponds to our part number in the sales order line comments (SOP10202).  Then, they generate a purchase order from that sales order (SOP60100) and those comments, which is the mfg. part number,  are added to the PO line item comments (POP10550) "automatically".

Approximately 30% of the time, the comments don't transfer over correctly.  

My question is this:  is there a stored procedure that gets executed to generate the PO or is it done programmatically by GP (leaving me no way to determine what is causing the comments to not match some of the time)?

Data and query below.

Thank you,


sopnumbe soptype lnitmseq ord SOP Comment POP Comment
SO-030627 2 16384 16384 AF1A0072R6B09-062M AF1A0072R0001-057M
SO-030627 2 32768 32768 AF1A0072R6B09-065M AF1A0072R0001-075M
SO-030627 2 49152 49152 AF1A0072R6B09-068M AF1A0072R0001-082M
    sop6.lnitmseq, sop6.ord,
    sop1.Comment_1 c1, pop1.comment_1 c2,
    case when sop1.Comment_1 = pop1.comment_1 then '' else 'NOT MATCHING' end [matching]
from sop60100 sop6
    join SOP10202 sop1 on
       sop6.sopnumbe = sop1.sopnumbe
       and sop6.soptype = sop1.soptype
       and sop6.lnitmseq = sop1.lnitmseq
    join pop10550 pop1 on
       pop1.popnumbe = sop6.ponumber
       and sop6.ord = pop1.ord
    join pop10100 poph on
       poph.ponumber = pop1.POPNUMBE
    poph.potype = 2
Version: GP 2015
Section: Dynamics GP

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