esoftpr 2/5/2019 12:35:57 AM

Adding a QTY Total field in the SOP Picking Ticket and SOP Blank Invoice Form

I need assistance in resolving a problem that maybe I’m missing something.

I need to add a QTY total in the SOP Picking Ticket and SOP Blank Invoice Form in the Report Footer.

  1. My Problem is that the field should not include the components of the kits just only the kits item number when enter in the invoice.
    1. Example:
  • If You add 6 different kits with 2 components each But one of them has 3 components,
  • the QTY total field should give me 6 items not 19. Should not include the components. 
  • Also, is there’s normal items (No Kits) included it should give total of those items entered also.

Please review these form I’ve included and they are running Dynamics GP 2010R2.

Thank You

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Version: GP 2010
Section: Dynamics GP, Report Writer

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