AbrahamA 2/1/2007 5:02:27 PM

Open the Sales Transaction Entry window.

Using VS Tools for GP9, I am opening the Sales Transaction Entry window using this code:

Dynamics.Forms.SopEntry.Functions.OpenWindow.Invoke(strSopnumber, intSopType, False, "", 0)

I need to open the Sales Transaction Inquiry Zoom window (I want to display a historical sop document) I'm thinking that the code should be something like this:

Dynamics.Forms.SopInquiry.Functions.OpenWindow.Invoke(intSopType, strSopnumber, ?,?, ?, ?) but I can't find any documentation for the function. I'm looking in the SOP docs in the SDK, but not seeing any references to inquiry forms. Can you help?

Version: Unknown or N/A
Section: Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP

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