I am attempting to import a general journal entry via eConnect. The entry should have a multicurrency rounding adjustment from a foreign currency to functional currency, but it is producing the error below. When manually entering an entry in foreign currency, the additional round variance to convert to functional currency is automatically produced when clicking save. The error below appears to be indicating that the taGLTransactionHeaderInsert stored procedure is the problem; however, it seems like the problem is with the taGLTransactionLineInsert procedure since it is not generating the extra rounding distribution.
Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 944 Stored Procedure= taGLTransactionHeaderInsert Error Description = Unbalanced journal entry, the credits do not equal the debits
Node Identifier Parameters: taGLTransactionHeaderInsert
JRNENTRY = 885285
REFRENCE = Scoot Activity
TRXDATE = 09/27/2018
|Source:mscorlib|StackTrace: at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.ServiceProxy.CreateTransactionEntity(String connectionString, String xml)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods.EntityImportImplementation(String connectionString, String sXML, Boolean isTransaction)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods.ProcessEntityImport(String connectionString, String sXML, Boolean isTransaction)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods.CreateTransactionEntity(String connectionString, String sXML)
at BlackLineConnectorJEImportProcess.OBS_EConnect.SendToGP_GLTransactions(taGLTransactionHeaderInsert taGLHeader, taGLTransactionLineInsert_ItemsTaGLTransactionLineInsert[] taGLLineItems_List, String DBConn)
We have tried mapping the currency ID, line sequence number, and document date to taGLTransactionLineInsert, but the same failed results continued. Please let me know if you have a work around or fix for this issue.