Falk0r 2/27/2017 12:13:28 PM

taSopLineIvcInsertpost Not updating last created Document

I have modified the sql trigger to update the Sales Person ID and Sales Person Territory.

The trigger seems to be firing, but it doesnt update  the item that is actually being created at the time.

It seems to update all previous items(if i do a update all statement), but never the item that is being created at the time.

The data being passed in the stored procedure is accurate and available to me.  I even Did a SQL SELECT statement on sop10200 and inserted into a dummy table to see if the line was added at the time of the trigger.  Data is successfully being inserted in this query.

Any ideas on why this procedure is not executing on the Sales Order Being created?


Version: All, GP 2015, GP 2013, GP 2010
Section: .NET Development, Dynamics GP, eConnect, SQL Scripts

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