lkiesel 12/29/2016 10:44:27 AM

Stored Procedure - What does it do?

We came across the below procedure that runs daily and we're not exactly sure what it does.  Some of our workflow escalations don't work as expected (they get rejected instead of going to the next approver), and thought maybe this has something to do with it.  Will someone please help me interpret this procedure?  Thanks! Lisa


create procedure [dbo].[wfScanForOverdueTasksCompany] 
@O_iErrorState int = NULL output
declare @count as integer
declare @exestring as varchar(400)
declare @curcompany as varchar(10)
--if the temp table exists, delete it
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =   Object_id('dbo.#wfEscalateTemp') and type in ('U','S')) begin 
    drop table dbo.#wfEscalateTemp
--create a temp table that contains all the GP company databases
select INTERID into #wfEscalateTemp from SY01500 
--find out how many there are
select @count = count(*) from #wfEscalateTemp 
--loop through the company databases
while @count > 0  begin 
    --get the first one
    select @curcompany = (select top 1(INTERID) from #wfEscalateTemp) 
    --create a string to be executed
    select @exestring = @curcompany + '.dbo.wfScanForOverdueTasks' 
    --execute the string
    if exists(select name from master..sysdatabases where name = @curcompany)  begin 
        print @exestring
        exec @exestring 
    --delete this line in the temp table
    delete from #wfEscalateTemp where INTERID = @curcompany 
    --update the count, and loop
    select @count = count(*) from #wfEscalateTemp
Version: GP 2015
Section: Dynamics GP, SQL Scripts

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