RuthO 1/11/2007 11:10:10 PM

method eConnect_EntryPoint was not found

I am trying to submit a requestor using eConnect 7.5.3.  I have in the 
includes both Microsoft.eConnect and Microsoft.eConnect.Serialization.  When 
I submit the requestor, I receive the following error "The method 
eConnect_EntryPoint was not found on the interface/type 
Microsoft.eConnect75.eConnectMethods, eConnect_API75, Version=, 
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=11fb86fdbea77482."  
I am stumped becasue the intellisense in Visual Studio is showing the method 
as available.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Version: Unknown or N/A
Section: Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP

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