sendow 3/17/2008 1:49:53 PM

Error 190: "Document already exists", but eConnect error info refers to wrong document number

I inhereted a botched and poorly written integration using eConnect 10 for RM invoices / credit memos and PM invoices / credit memos.  I've got it working now, but so far there is one remaining error that is a little puzzling.

In the most recent incident, while trying to import an RM invoice, eConnect returns an error 190 indicating that the RM invoice document number already exists.  Two weird things:

1) The document number does not already exist in GP

2) The document info that eConnect is returning in the error is not the document that is being imported

I have had situations long ago where there was an error in the document (perhaps the distributions were bad), but eConnect returned a different error that was not technically correct.  But at that time, eConnect was at least referring to the correct document and returning proper document info.  But this situation with the wrong document info seems a little too odd to blame on eConnect.

So I can only think of two theories:

1) eConnect has gone haywire for some reason and is returning invalid error info

2) More likely: There is a bug in the integration such that the integration is sending the wrong invoice info to eConnect--while it logs one doc number, it is actually sending a completely different doc number.

Given how the code was written, I would not be surprised if #2 was the case, but when 9 out of 10 invoices import fine, and one invoice just won't import, I can't yet imagine how the code could be doing something like that.  And even harder to believe, when it attempts to import just the one invoice that failed, eConnect still returns different invoice info in the error, which seems completely bizarre.

I'll be running a trace to see what the actual doc variables and XML are that are being passed to eConnect, but just wondering if anyone has had an experience where eConnect returns an error code that was not the actual error, or returns document info that does not match what was passed.


Version: Unknown or N/A
Section: eConnect

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