MattN 7/28/2016 4:52:06 PM

Using GP 2010 and eConnect for POP receipts, can't find "taPopRcptLandedCost"

For some time I've had a successfully integrated and functioning module that runs eConnect, specifically the "taPopRcptLineInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptLineInsert" and "taPopRcptHdrInsert" objects are what I'm using in a "POPReceivingsType."  Unfortunately, intellisense in Visual Studio doesn't recognize anything by the name of "taPopRcptLandedCost" and I'm not sure of the relationship of landed costs to the backing SQL tables.  We have landed costs on all sorts of receipts, but there's nothing in POP10700.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Version: GP 2010
Section: eConnect

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