I have a function to update the Location Code in a SO transaction which is working properly but the problem is that the SO transaction's contact info was changed too. I'm not even touching the sop transaction's address fields. Maybe I have to...I don't know.
why the transaction's contact info is being modified? how is GP selecting the new contact info?
what are the minimum transactions fields do I need to specify when I want to update the SO transaction?
here is my code
Sub ModifWarehouse(ByVal strSOPNUMBE As String, ByVal intSOPTYPE As Int16, ByVal strDOCID As String, ByVal strCUSTNMBR As String, ByVal dtDocDate As String, ByVal strBACHNUMB As String, ByVal loc As String, ByVal poNum As String)
Dim sConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("eConnectConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim intNumberOfLines As Int16 = 0 '0 = 1 line
Dim salesOrderDocument As String
'declare our eConnect classes
Dim oeConnectType As New Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.eConnectType
Dim oSOPTransactionType As New Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.SOPTransactionType
'this is our custom eConnect Class, you can find it here: http://dyndeveloper.com/thread.aspx?Threadid=1117
Dim eConCall As New eConnectMethods
'Done Serializing
ReDim Preserve oeConnectType.SOPTransactionType(0)
oeConnectType.SOPTransactionType(0) = oSOPTransactionType
Dim z As Integer = 0
Dim itemList As List(Of taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert) = ModifWarehouseInOrderLines(strSOPNUMBE, intSOPTYPE, loc, strDOCID, dtDocDate, poNum, strCUSTNMBR)
For Each item As taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert In itemList
ReDim Preserve oSOPTransactionType.taSopLineIvcInsert_Items(z)
oSOPTransactionType.taSopLineIvcInsert_Items(z) = item
z = z + 1
'create the document header
Dim otaSopHdrIvcInsert As New Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.taSopHdrIvcInsert
'populate the header
With otaSopHdrIvcInsert
'these are the required fields
.DOCDATE = dtDocDate
.UpdateExisting = 1
'this is the field that we're updating.
End With
'assign the header to the master
oSOPTransactionType.taSopHdrIvcInsert = otaSopHdrIvcInsert
ReDim Preserve oeConnectType.SOPTransactionType(0)
oeConnectType.SOPTransactionType(0) = oSOPTransactionType
Dim xmldoc As Xml.XmlDocument = eConnectOrderToXMLDocument(oeConnectType)
salesOrderDocument = xmldoc.OuterXml
eConCall.UpdateTransactionEntity(sConnectionString, salesOrderDocument)
Catch ex As System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of eConnectSqlErrorCollection)
Dim strMessage = ex.Detail(0).Message
MsgBox(ex.Message + ". In ModifWarehouse method")
Catch ex As System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectFault)
Dim strMessage = ex.Detail.Message
MsgBox(ex.Detail.Message + ". In ModifWarehouse method")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message + ". In ModifWarehouse method")
End Try
End Sub
Function ModifWarehouseInOrderLines(SOPNUMBE As String, SOPTYPE As Int16, ByVal newLoc As String, ByVal strDOCID As String, ByVal strDocDate As String, ByVal poNum As String, ByVal strCUSTNMBR As String) As List(Of taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert) ' Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert
Dim val As Boolean = False
Dim itemList As New List(Of taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert)
Dim sConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("eConnectConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim oeConnectType As New Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.eConnectType
Dim oSOPTransactionType As New Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.SOPTransactionType
'get an XML document that represents the customer
'this uses our SalesTransactionRetrieve class documented here
Dim oSalesTransactionRetrieve As New SalesTransaction
oSalesTransactionRetrieve.retrieveSalesTransaction(SOPNUMBE, SOPTYPE)
Dim strSOPTrans As String = oSalesTransactionRetrieve.SOPDoc
'parse the line
'strSOPTrans is an XML document in string form
'parse it into XDocument form
Dim doc = XDocument.Parse(strSOPTrans)
'use Linq-to-XML to select just one sop line in the document.
Dim query = _
From c In doc.<root>.<eConnect>.<SO_Trans>.<Line>
Select c
'turn it back into a string so we can edit it a little
Dim line As String
For Each element As System.Xml.Linq.XElement In query
line = element.ToString
line = Replace(line, "Line", "taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert")
Dim sopNumber = element.Element("SOPNUMBE").Value
Dim qty = element.Element("QUANTITY").Value
Dim itemnum = element.Element("ITEMNMBR").Value
Dim PRCLEVEL = element.Element("PRCLEVEL").Value
Dim myReader As New StringReader(line)
'Deserialize the XML node from the StringReader into the taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert object.
Dim oXmlSerializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert))
'Cast the deserialized object to a taSopHdrIvcInsert serialization object
Dim otaSopLineIvcInsert As taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert = CType(oXmlSerializer.Deserialize(myReader), taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert)
With otaSopLineIvcInsert
.LOCNCODE = newLoc
.DOCDATE = strDocDate
.SOPNUMBE = sopNumber
.ITEMNMBR = itemnum
'these fields are not required, but they will be 0 or '' if the value is not set
otaSopLineIvcInsert.UpdateIfExists = 1
End With
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
End Try
Return itemList
End Function