behaynes1965 4/27/2016 7:11:10 PM

The Pay Type is Overtime or Doubletime and the Pay Factor multiplied by the Based On Rate does not agree with the Pay Rate Amount (PAYRTAMT)

Error: The Pay Type is Overtime or Doubletime and the Pay Factor multiplied by the Based On Rate does not agree with the Pay Rate Amount (PAYRTAMT)

 Background:  Prior to this point, I had updated paycode "HOUR 1" from a payrate of 13.00 to 13.50 .  Paycode "OVT" is based on "HOUR 1", with a multiplier (pay factor) of 1.5 .  

 I also updated another paycode "EDU1", which is based on "HOUR 1", but has no multiplier (0.00), and was successful in updating that from 13.00 to 13.50

After updating "HOUR 1" successfully, I did note that the "OVT" paycode record continued to show 13.00 as the based on rate value.  It was then that I hit the 9498 error.


Version: GP 2015
Section: .NET Development, Dynamics GP, eConnect

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