johnmay2211 11/30/2015 6:13:27 PM

Dynamics CRM 2013-2015 Upgrade Questions

Dynamics CRM 2013-2015 Upgrade Questions

Regarding some clarifications to the 2013-2015 Migration, I have the following thoughts and questions... would greatly appreciate any input insofar as corrects to the thought process and answers to these questions. Many thanks in advance.

1. As a prerequisite to installing the CRM 2015 Server product,  installation of SQL Server 2014 is performed. During the SQL Server 2014 installation, a new instance is created, e.g. CRM2015.


During the creation of this new instance (using SQL Server setup) should the ReportServer database be included ? It would seem that we would want only one ReportServer database in all instances, not one in each instance.

 2. Another SQL Server Instance is created so that the CRM2013 database can be restored to it, and from there the Organization Can be imported (which will be imported into yet another New Instance). Note: Only one CRM Database can exist in each instance.


During the SQL Server Installation creation of this new instance should the ReportServer database be included ?

Does the ReportServer database from the original 2013 CRM Database need to be restored to this instance? What about existing and custom reports that may have been created in 2013 and how are they migrated ?


 3. The 2013 CRM databases:



Are to be restored to the instance created in Step 2 above. This restored database will be used as the restore source during the Import Organization Utility, and will create a new database with upgraded 2015 data.


Where is the data migrated to? Is a new instance created, since it is understood that only one CRM Database can reside in one SQL Server instance? In addition, in which instance is the primary ReportServer Database going to reside ? Are configuration changes required to be made to location of the ReportServer database, because during the Import Organization routine the ReportServer URL address was pointed to the CRM2015 Instance (the new install of 2015 where the SSRS Data Connection Tools were pointed to). It would seem like there needs to be a reconfiguration of the ReportServer URL after the database has been successfully upgraded to the new instance, and a re-install of the SSRS Data Tools Extensions and Data Connector to the new, upgraded database--uncertain where this new database will reside (e.g. in which SQL Server Instance).

4. Received an error message during Import Organization, User Mapping. All users are not mapped.


How can this be addressed without errors so the process is more streamlined?

5. Receiving a defragment/rebuild warning on indexes. This can be resolved using the following TSQL Script to rebuild all indexes in a database

DECLARE @Database VARCHAR(255)  



DECLARE @fillfactor INT


SET @fillfactor = 90



SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases  

WHERE name NOT IN ('master','msdb','tempdb','model','distribution', 'MSCRM_CONFIG','ReportServer$CRM2013', 'ReportServer$CRM2013TempDB')  



OPEN DatabaseCursor 


FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database 




   SET @cmd = 'DECLARE TableCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ''['' + table_catalog + ''].['' + table_schema + ''].['' +

  table_name + '']'' as tableName FROM [' + @Database + '].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES

  WHERE table_type = ''BASE TABLE'''  


   -- create table cursor 

   EXEC (@cmd) 

   OPEN TableCursor  


   FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table  




       IF (@@MICROSOFTVERSION / POWER(2, 24) >= 9)


           -- SQL 2005 or higher command

           SET @cmd = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + @Table + ' REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),@fillfactor) + ')'

           EXEC (@cmd)




          -- SQL 2000 command

          DBCC DBREINDEX(@Table,' ',@fillfactor) 



       FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table  



   CLOSE TableCursor  

   DEALLOCATE TableCursor 


   FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database 


CLOSE DatabaseCursor  

DEALLOCATE DatabaseCursor


 6. Received a warning that indexes are not consistent with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Indexes:

The indexes on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database are not consistent with Microsoft Dynamics CRM indexes.

The following indexes are not consistent with Microsoft Dynamics CRM indexes:

tablename:                              auditbase

indexname:                              ndx_primarykey_audit

remark:                                 deleted index

tablename:                              auditbase

indexname:                              ndx_primarykey_audit_primary

remark:                                 deleted index



How should this be dealt with – does the Import Organization utility make necessary overrides ? Will this adversely affect the database ?

 7. Received a warning message THAT THE FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINTS IN THE Microsoft Dynamics CRM Database are not consistent with Microsoft Dynamics CRM foreign key constraints:

The foreign key constraints in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database are not consistent with Microsoft Dynamics CRM foreign key constraints.

 The following foreign key constraint(s) are not consistent with Microsoft Dynamics CRM foreign key constraints:

name:                                   activity_pointer_new_dispatchlog

remark:                                 added foreign key

name:                                   activity_pointer_po_surveyactivity

remark:                                 added foreign key

name:                                   new_appointment_opportunity_quailifier

remark:                                 added foreign key

name:                                   new_competitor_lead_currentservicecompany

remark:                                 added foreign key

name:                                   new_contact_account_billingmanager

remark:                                 added foreign key

name:                                   new_contact_account_secondarycontact

remark:                                 added foreign key

name:                                   new_contact_contact_reportsto

remark:                                 added foreign key

etc. …


It looks like the import utility make corrections to these foreign key constraints. Is this correct?





Version: GP 2015, GP 2013, CRM
Section: CRM, SSRS

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