I had an interface with GP and another software that my software creates Items in GP through eConnect. It works fine. I'm using the same code in another software and is giving me this error.
This is part of the code
Dim UpdateCreateItemRcd As New taUpdateCreateItemRcd
With UpdateCreateItemRcd
.ITEMNMBR = item.ItemLookupCode
.ITEMDESC = item.Description
.ITMCLSCD = item.Department.Code
.UOMSCHDL = item.UnitOfMeasure.Schedule
.ITEMTYPE = CShort(item.ItemType)
.DECPLQTY = CShort(ItemDefaults.DECPLQTY)
.DECPLQTYSpecified = True
.DECPLCUR = CShort(ItemDefaults.DECPLCUR)
.DECPLCURSpecified = True
.LISTPRCE = item.Price
.CURRCOST = item.Cost
.UpdateIfExists = 1
End With