smartstream 11/17/2013 3:17:13 AM

VB Code for an Extender window

Hi we have an Extender window that we only want to pop up when certain Accounts are enter in a GJ; The criteria is based on Account Categories;

The VB Code that was written by some consultants is

'Create a command to select all customers
linecounttxt.ActiveConnection = cn
linecounttxt.CommandType = adCmdText

linecounttxt.CommandText = "SELECT dbo.GL00100.ACCATNUM AS ACCATNUM FROM dbo.GL00100 "INNER JOIN dbo.GL00105 ON dbo.GL00100.ACTINDX = dbo.GL00105.ACTINDX WHERE dbo.GL00105.ACTNUMST = '" & AccountNumber & "' "

Set rst = linecounttxt.Execute
catnumber = rst!ACCATNUM
'check that the right cat is selected and popup extender screen

If catnumber >= 100 And catnumber <= 106 Then
    SendKeys "^a"
    If catnumber >= 225 And catnumber <= 229 Then
        SendKeys "^a"
        If catnumber >= 315 And catnumber <= 318 Then
            SendKeys "^a"
            If catnumber = 300 Then
               SendKeys "^a"
            End If
        End If
    End If
End If

End Sub

However what happens is the window comes up regardless of the account selected; I have conformed the data at a SQL level is correct (ie the ACCATNUM in GL00100) is correct.

Any ideas what is wrong?

Many thanks



Version: GP 2013
Section: Dynamics GP, VBA

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