I am trying to write a post integration script to email an error log file after an integration has completed using SQL mail. I know that my SQL mail script works and sends the file that I designate. I know that the script will find the correct file; but, the error log changes names each time I run the Integration, which means I have to pass a VBScript Variable to a SQL stored procedure. Here is my code:
'****************GET THE LOG FILE INFO******
'Set the path to the log files. Edit this line as appropriate
Set sFileName = CreateObject("ADODB.Parameter")
Set pFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set pFolder = pFSO.Get Folder(sLogPath)
For Each File In pFolder.Files
If File.DateCreated > dtDateCreated then
dtDateCreated = File.DateCreated
End If
MsgBox (sFileName)
'************CREATE AND SEND THE E-MAIL*****
Set pConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set xFileName = CreateObject("ADODB.Parameter")
Set xFileName=sFileName
'Open the connection to the database
Call pConnection.Open("msdb","sa","Cashmere_3")
'Execute the stored procedure Call
Call pConnection.Execute("DECLARE @filename varchar(8000) exec INSCIO_SendInegrationLog set @filename=xFileName")
'Close the connection
Call pConnection.Close
My Error is occurring on the bottom half of the code when it is trying to pass the variable value I created xFileName to the SQL stored procedure. Here is the exact error I am getting:
Integration Manager Exception Detail Log
Date: 3/19/2013 3:01:00 PM
Message Values:
Primary Message: Cannot write to a closed TextWriter.
Exception Message: Cannot write to a closed TextWriter.
Stack Informaiton:
Source: mscorlib
System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush(Boolean flushStream, Boolean flushEncoder)
System.IO.StreamWriter.Write(Char[] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count)
System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(String value)
Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.IMProvider.LogManager.AddActivity(Log Log, DateTime ActivityTime, String Source, String LogText, Int32 StatusCode)
Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.IMProvider.Log.AddActivity(DateTime ActivityTime, String Source, String LogText, Int32 StatusCode)
Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.IMProvider.IntegrationContext.WriteLogActivityEntry(String Source, String LogText, LogClassEnum LogClass, Int32 StatusCode)
Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.IMProvider.Integration.IIntegration_RunIntegration(IntegrationContext IntegrationContext)
Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.IMProvider.Integration.Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.IMProvider.IIntegration.RunIntegration(IntegrationContext IntegrationContext)
Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.frmProgress.frmProgress_Activated(Object eventSender, EventArgs eventArgs)
End Log
Any ideas what is wrong with my code?
Thanks - Joseph Guyton