Hi Guys,
Have been a subscriber for an year, now looking for your help.
Using the code below to create an invoice with manual distributions, instead of default. Have the following 2 problems -
1. Get the distribution account(s) are missing or invalid error. However, I can see the accounts in the distribution window.
2. The tax is not being imported.
Function CreateSOPHeader(ByRef eConnect As eConnectType, ByVal SOPHeader As SOPHeaderType, _
ByRef sError As String, ByVal dSubTotal As Decimal, ByVal bPostImmediately As Boolean) As Boolean
CreateSOPHeader = False
Dim CustomerType As New SOPTransactionType
Dim MySOPHeader As New taSopHdrIvcInsert
'Insert our customer data from the winform into the MyCustomer Class object.
With MySOPHeader
.CUSTNMBR = Trim(SOPHeader.AccountNumber)
.SOPTYPE = SOPHeader.TransactionType '1=Quote, 2=Order, 3=Invoice, 4=Return, 5=Backorder
' No need to specify .DOCID as it is automatically determined from .SOPTYPE. AM 2/11/2005
If IsNothing(SOPHeader.DocIDString) Then
.DOCID = DocIDFromTypeArr(.SOPTYPE) ' Identifies source of record.
.DOCID = SOPHeader.DocIDString ' Identifies source of record.
End If
.SOPNUMBE = SOPHeader.InvoiceNumber
If IsNothing(SOPHeader.DocDate) OrElse SOPHeader.DocDate = Date.MinValue Then
.DOCDATE = Today.Date
.DOCDATE = SOPHeader.DocDate
End If
If IsNothing(SOPHeader.DueDate) OrElse SOPHeader.DueDate = Date.MinValue Then
.DUEDATE = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 7, Today.Date)
.DUEDATE = SOPHeader.DueDate
End If
.CSTPONBR = SOPHeader.PONumber
.BACHNUMB = SOPHeader.BatchNumber
.REFRENCE = SOPHeader.Reference
.COMMENT_1 = SOPHeader.CommentOnStatement_1
.COMMENT_2 = SOPHeader.CommentOnStatement_2
.COMMENT_3 = SOPHeader.CommentOnStatement_3
.COMMENT_4 = SOPHeader.CommentOnStatement_4
.SUBTOTAL = dSubTotal
.DOCAMNT = dSubTotal
.USRDEFND1 = SOPHeader.Reference
.USER2ENT = SOPHeader.EnteredBy
If SOPHeader.ChkCredit Then
.CKCreditLimit = 1
.CKCreditLimit = 0
End If
If SOPHeader.ChkHold Then
End If
'1.16 Shipping Addresses
.ShipToName = SOPHeader.AddressName
.ADDRESS1 = SOPHeader.Address_Line1
.ADDRESS2 = SOPHeader.Address_Line2
.CITY = SOPHeader.City
End With
' Only add a payment record if paying now.
If Not IsNothing(SOPHeader.PaymentType) Then
If SOPHeader.PaymentType > 0 Then
Dim MySOPPayment As New taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_ItemsTaCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord
MySOPPayment.PYMTTYPE = SOPHeader.PaymentType
If SOPHeader.PaymentType = enumPaymentTypes.CreditCard Then
MySOPPayment.CARDNAME = SOPHeader.PaymentCreditCardType.Trim ' VISA, BANKCARD, MASTERCARD
MySOPPayment.RCTNCCRD = SOPHeader.PaymentCreditCardNo.Trim
MySOPPayment.EXPNDATE = SOPHeader.PaymentCreditCardExpiry
MySOPPayment.DOCNUMBR = Today.Date.ToString
' Note: SJA cheque book ID is not allowed to be supplied for CC transactions
' - assume this is due to a/c being supplied when setting up CC's in GP.
MySOPPayment.CHEKBKID = "BW TRADING" ' This is St Johns bank account, not the customers.
If SOPHeader.PaymentType = enumPaymentTypes.Cheque Then
MySOPPayment.CHEKNMBR = SOPHeader.PaymentChequeNo.Trim
End If
End If
' Add the payment record to the object.
ReDim CustomerType.taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items(0)
CustomerType.taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items(0) = MySOPPayment
End If
End If
CustomerType.taSopHdrIvcInsert = MySOPHeader
ReDim eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0)
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0) = CustomerType
If bPostImmediately Then
If PostEconnectDocument(eConnect, sError) Then
CreateSOPHeader = True
End If
CreateSOPHeader = True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
sError = ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace
End Try
End Function
' Handy ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/eConnect8.0_MSDN/soptransactiongeneralinformation.asp
Function CreateSOPLines(ByVal SOPHeader As SOPHeaderType, ByVal SOPLine() As SOPLineType, _
ByRef sError As String) As Boolean
Dim eConnect As New eConnectType
CreateSOPLines = False
'Dim CustomerType As New SOPTransactionType
Dim MyTaxLine As New taSopLineIvcTaxInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcTaxInsert
Dim indx As Int16
Dim dOrderTotal As Decimal = 0
Dim dTax As Decimal
Dim dTotalTax As Decimal = 0
Dim dtSOPCustomer As DataTable = Nothing
Dim dtItemAccts As DataTable = Nothing
Dim dtCustAccts As DataTable = Nothing
Dim SalesAccount As String = Nothing
Dim SalesRTNAccount As String = Nothing
Dim RECVAccount As String = Nothing
Dim iDistCount As Integer = 0
Dim oDistribution As New taSopDistribution_ItemsTaSopDistribution
' The "CreateSopHeader" function will return the "eConnect" object
' populated with the header information. This function can then add
' the line detail information before posting to the econnect interface.
If Not CreateSOPHeader(eConnect, SOPHeader, sError, dOrderTotal, False) Then
Exit Try
End If
' Prepare the econnect line item array for the number of lines being inserted.
ReDim eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopLineIvcInsert_Items(SOPLine.Length - 1)
'[130107 - manual posting distribution !
' check if SOP processing is using Item or Customer ... if using customer we must build the distribution manually from accounts in the items view
dtSOPCustomer = Check_SOP("SOPType", "", sError)
For indx = 0 To SOPLine.Length - 1
Dim MyInvoiceLine As New taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert
With MyInvoiceLine
.CUSTNMBR = Trim(SOPHeader.AccountNumber)
.SOPNUMBE = SOPHeader.InvoiceNumber
.SOPTYPE = SOPLine(indx).TransactionType '1=Quote, 2=Order, 3=Invoice, 4=Return, 5=Backorder
' No need to specify .DOCID as it is automatically determined from .SOPTYPE. AM 2/11/2005
If IsNothing(SOPHeader.DocIDString) Then
.DOCID = DocIDFromTypeArr(.SOPTYPE) ' Identifies source of record.
.DOCID = SOPHeader.DocIDString ' Identifies source of record.
End If
.DOCDATE = eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.DOCDATE
.ITEMNMBR = Trim(SOPLine(indx).ItemNumber) ' Product code - relates to income account.
.UNITPRCE = SOPLine(indx).UnitPrice
.UNITCOST = SOPLine(indx).UnitCost
.QUANTITY = SOPLine(indx).Quantity
' Dont use .TAXSCHID here - it will cause heaps of GST/BAS report grief!!!!!
If UCase((SOPLine(indx).TaxCode)) = "G" Then
' dTax = .UNITPRCE * .QUANTITY * 0.1
dTax = .UNITPRCE * .QUANTITY * 0.1
dTax = Decimal.Round(dTax, 3) ' Go to 3 decs them check if 3rd dec is 5
If Decimal.Remainder(dTax * 100, 1) = 0.5 Then
'dTax = Decimal.Round(dTax, 2) + 0.01
dTax = Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(dTax + 0.005), 2)
If Decimal.Remainder(dTax * 100, 1) = -0.5 Then
'dTax = Decimal.Round(dTax, 2) - 0.01
dTax = Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(dTax - 0.005), 2)
dTax = Decimal.Round(dTax, 2)
End If
End If
dTotalTax = dTotalTax + Decimal.Round(dTax, 2)
End If
'.TAXAMNT = Dont specify, as tax code will calculate this for us if we set 'CREATETAXES=1' in header.
.ITEMDESC = Trim(SOPLine(indx).Description)
If Trim(SOPLine(indx).CommentOnInvoice_1).Length > 0 Then
.COMMENT_1 = Trim(SOPLine(indx).CommentOnInvoice_1)
If Trim(SOPHeader.CommentOnStatement_1).Length > 0 Then
.COMMENT_1 = Trim(SOPHeader.CommentOnStatement_1)
.COMMENT_1 = Trim(SOPLine(indx).Description)
End If
End If
.COMMENT_2 = Trim(SOPLine(indx).CommentOnInvoice_2)
.COMMENT_3 = Trim(SOPLine(indx).CommentOnInvoice_3)
.COMMENT_4 = Trim(SOPLine(indx).CommentOnInvoice_4)
.ReqShipDate = Today.Date ' Required field
.FUFILDAT = Today.Date ' Required field
.ACTLSHIP = Today.Date ' Required field
.PRCLEVEL = SOPLine(indx).PriceScale
' Make location for item same as header.
.LOCNCODE = eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.LOCNCODE
' Returns will not post unless returned qty = total quantity
'Set line item sequence in increments of 16384
.LNITMSEQ = 16384 * (indx + 1)
dOrderTotal = dOrderTotal + (.UNITPRCE * .QUANTITY)
End With
'Do Manual Posting
' Add the line item to the econnect object...
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopLineIvcInsert_Items(indx) = MyInvoiceLine
If dtSOPCustomer.Rows(0)(0).ToString = "1" Then
dtItemAccts = Check_SOP("ItemAccts", Trim(SOPLine(indx).ItemNumber), sError)
If dtItemAccts.Rows.Count > 0 Then
SalesAccount = dtItemAccts.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString
SalesRTNAccount = dtItemAccts.Rows(0).Item(1).ToString
End If
dtCustAccts = Check_SOP("CustAcct", Trim(SOPHeader.AccountNumber), sError)
If dtCustAccts.Rows.Count > 0 Then
RECVAccount = dtCustAccts.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString
End If
ReDim eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopDistribution_Items(SOPLine.Length + 1)
Select Case CType(MyInvoiceLine.SOPTYPE, enumSOPTransactionTypes)
Case enumSOPTransactionTypes.Invoice
' manually set up distributions for each of the accounts present
' need to find out what dist type, if they include tax or not, are they credit or debit (need an accountant for that!)
With oDistribution
.SEQNUMBR = iDistCount
.DISTTYPE = enumSOPDistributionTypes.Sales
.ACTNUMST = SalesAccount
.CRDTAMNT = MyInvoiceLine.XTNDPRCE + dTax
.DistRef = "Sales"
End With
'eConnect.SOPDistributionsType(0).taSopDistribution_Items(iDistCount) = oDistribution
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopDistribution_Items(iDistCount) = oDistribution
iDistCount += 1
oDistribution = Nothing
'If RECVAccount.ToString.Length > 0 Then
' oDistribution = New taSopDistribution_ItemsTaSopDistribution
' With oDistribution
' .SOPTYPE = MyInvoiceLine.SOPTYPE
' .SEQNUMBR = iDistCount
' .DISTTYPE = enumSOPDistributionTypes.Receiving
' .DEBITAMT = MyInvoiceLine.XTNDPRCE + dTax
' .DistRef = "Receiving"
' End With
' eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopDistribution_Items(iDistCount) = oDistribution
' iDistCount += 1
' oDistribution = Nothing
'End If
' do I need 'Sales Returns Account Number' ?
Case 2
Case 3
End Select
End If
MyInvoiceLine = Nothing
With eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert
.DEFTAXSCHDS = 1 ' Ensures that
'.SUBTOTAL = dOrderTotal
'.DOCAMNT = dOrderTotal ' Same as subtotal when auto-calcing taxes, otherwise must include tax amount.
.DEFPRICING = 1 ' Will auto calc subtotal from sop line amounts.
'1.14 - use value passed in by user
'.CKCreditLimit = 1 ' Dont post if credit limit exceeded.
'.CKHOLD = 1 ' Dont post if account on hold.
End With
With eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0)
' If there is a payment record, then we must state how much we are paying.
' We will always pay the entire amount.
If Not IsNothing(.taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items) Then
If .taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items.Length > 0 Then
.taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items(0).DOCAMNT = Math.Round(dOrderTotal + dTotalTax, 2)
.taSopHdrIvcInsert.PYMTRCVD = .taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items(0).DOCAMNT
End If
End If
End With
' check if total is negative, change to opposite transaction type if negative
If dOrderTotal < 0 Then
Dim newType As GPClass.enumSOPTransactionTypes
If eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.SOPTYPE = GPClass.enumSOPTransactionTypes.Rtn Then
newType = GPClass.enumSOPTransactionTypes.Invoice
End If
If eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.SOPTYPE = GPClass.enumSOPTransactionTypes.Invoice Then
newType = GPClass.enumSOPTransactionTypes.Rtn
End If
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.SOPTYPE = newType
If newType = enumSOPTransactionTypes.Invoice And eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.DOCID = "STKRTN" Then
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.DOCID = "STKINV"
If newType = enumSOPTransactionTypes.Rtn And eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.DOCID = "STKINV" Then
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.DOCID = "STKRTN"
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.DOCID = DocIDFromTypeArr(newType) ' Identifies source of record.
End If
End If
For Each line As taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert In eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopLineIvcInsert_Items
line.SOPTYPE = newType
If line.QUANTITY <= 0 Then
line.QUANTITY = line.QUANTITY * -1
End If
If line.UNITPRCE <= 0 Then
line.UNITPRCE = line.UNITPRCE * -1
End If
line.XTNDPRCE = line.XTNDPRCE * -1
If newType = enumSOPTransactionTypes.Invoice Then
line.QTYRTRND = Nothing
End If
line.DOCID = DocIDFromTypeArr(newType) ' Identifies source of record.
Next line
If Not IsNothing(eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items) Then
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items(0).DOCAMNT = eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items(0).DOCAMNT * -1
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.PYMTRCVD = eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taSopHdrIvcInsert.PYMTRCVD * -1
eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0).taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items(0).SOPTYPE = newType
End If
End If
If PostEconnectDocument(eConnect, sError) Then
CreateSOPLines = True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
sError = ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace
End Try
eConnect = Nothing
End Function