Good afternoon...
I am using with eConnect to GP and am trying to upload sales orders. I had it all working fine until I needed to upload taxes on an order. I would prefer to do this at the header level but I read somewhere that you cannot upload a fixed tax amount in the header without forcing it to calculate the tax on gp.
so I have tried adding into my code...
Dim taxLineItems(1) As taSopLineIvcTaxInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcTaxInsert
Dim taxsalesLine As New taSopLineIvcTaxInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcTaxInsert
With taxsalesLine
.LNITMSEQ = salesOrderx.taSopLineIvcInsert_Items(0).LNITMSEQ
.CUSTNMBR = gpcustid
.TAXDTLID = "Other"
.TDTTXSLS = (useprice * (orderqty * orderqtymultiplier))
.TDTTXSLSSpecified = True
.TXDTOTTX = (useprice * (orderqty * orderqtymultiplier)) + taxtotal
.TXDTOTTXSpecified = True
.STAXAMNT = taxtotal
.SALESAMT = (useprice * (orderqty * orderqtymultiplier))
End With
taxLineItems(0) = taxsalesLine
ReDim Preserve salesOrderx.taSopLineIvcTaxInsert_Items(1)
salesOrderx.taSopLineIvcTaxInsert_Items = taxLineItems
but that throws the error...
Procedure or function 'taSopLineIvcTaxInsert' expects parameter '@I_vSOPTYPE', which was not supplied.
If I can do without the line item tax, that would be preferable...
any help would be greatly appreciated.