joelee 8/29/2012 11:42:11 AM

eConnect: Only 3 items make it to GP when creating an SOP Document

Hi everyone.

I'm having trouble creating SOP documents using eConnect. It will only transfer 3 items max, no matter if I add 5 or 100, only the first 3 make it to GP.

But if I save it, the open it, add more items and save it again, all of them are reflected in GP's sales transaction entry window.

It seems to be restricting the number of items I can add when I create the document, but if I'm updating it, it will let me add as many as I want.

It's really weird cause the taSopLineInsert_Items array has every item I add, I checked it before passing the SOPTransactionType object to the XMLSerializer, it has all items but the resulting XML document only has 3 items when creating the SOP Doc...

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Version: GP 2010, GP 10
Section: Dynamics GP, eConnect

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