Edit 9/16/15 View the main article for this error here
Hi everyone.
We are having an issue with our POS app for GP.
We have recently started using eConnect (we used to alter GP table's records manually before) and now when we try to save an existing document while its being edited on GP we get an eConnect exception saying that the document is currently being edited by another user.
Of course we know this is the right behavior and we'd like to forbid the user to open a document that's being edited by some other user.
How can we know, using eConnect, that a document is being edited? We'd like to check that and show an error message in that case.
Additionally, how can we mark a document as being edited using eConnect? We'd need this too cause if we add the restriction I mentioned above and we don't do this too, it would only work for documents being edited in GP's Sales Transaction Entry form.
We'd appreciate any information you may provide.