So I am using a C# project to call Econnect. I am new to GL. My question is when i create an invoice and save it with econnect then econnect populates SOP10102((GL Dist Work and Hist), how does it determine the GL accounts that are inserted into SOP10102.
Secondarily how does it save the values for the Item Account Maintenance?
I Get these results
Accounts Receivable 000-1200-00
Sales 000-4100-00 (See this on the Item Account Maintenance)
Commissions - Sales 300-5130-00
Commissions Payable 000-2120-00
SELECT gl.ACTDESCR ,gl105.ACTNUMST,sop.* FROM SOP10102 as sop(nolock)
JOIN GL00100 as gl (nolock) on sop.ACTINDX = gl.ACTINDX
JOIN GL00105 as gl105 (nolock) on gl.ACTINDX = gl105.ACTINDX