SteveGray 11/14/2011 10:53:23 AM

eConnect - SOP unit price and extended price not populating

I'm writing an eConnect integration in GP2010 and the SOP unit price and extended price are not populating. I'd like to get them to default from the item/customer setup. 

If I key the document manually in Dynamics, they populate there...

Sub CreateSOPOrder()
        Dim strSqlServer As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SQLServer")
        Dim strDB As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("Database")
        Dim strDocID As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("DOCID")
        Dim strLocationCode As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("3PlLocationCode")
        'declare our eConnect classes
        Dim oeConnectType As New Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.eConnectType
        Dim oSOPTransactionType As New Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.SOPTransactionType
        Dim oeConnectFunctions As New GP11.eConnectFunctions(strSqlServer, strDB)
        'create the document header
        Dim otaSopHdrIvcInsert As New Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.taSopHdrIvcInsert
        'populate the header
        With otaSopHdrIvcInsert
            .SOPTYPE = 2
            .DOCID = strDocID
            .CUSTNMBR = CUSTNMBR
            .BACHNUMB = "WEB" & Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
            .DOCDATE = Now.ToShortDateString
            .CSTPONBR = _BEG.PurchaseOrderNumber
            .PRSTADCD = PRSTADCD
            .PRBTADCD = PRSTADCD
            .ReqShipDate = RequestedShipDate
            .LOCNCODE = strLocationCode
        End With
        'assign the header to the master
        oSOPTransactionType.taSopHdrIvcInsert = otaSopHdrIvcInsert
        Dim intCurrentLine As Int16 = 0
        'create the document details
        For Each line As PO1 In _lstPO1
            'declare an object for the detail line
            Dim oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert As New Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert
            'populate the detail line
            With oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert
                oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert.SOPTYPE = 2
                oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert.ITEMNMBR = line.ITEMNMBR
                oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert.QUANTITY = line.quantity
                oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert.CUSTNMBR = CUSTNMBR
                oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert.DOCDATE = Now.ToShortDateString
                oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert.LOCNCODE = strLocationCode
                oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert.INTEGRATIONID = line.Pack
                ReDim Preserve oSOPTransactionType.taSopLineIvcInsert_Items(intCurrentLine)
                oSOPTransactionType.taSopLineIvcInsert_Items(intCurrentLine) = oItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert
            End With
            intCurrentLine += 1
        ReDim Preserve oeConnectType.SOPTransactionType(0)
        oeConnectType.SOPTransactionType(0) = oSOPTransactionType
        Dim strDoc As String = oeConnectFunctions.CreateTransactionEntity(oeConnectType)
    Catch ex As Exception
        Throw ex
    End Try
End Sub

Version: GP 2010
Section: eConnect

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